



I thrust my foot out and slammed it into the lower part of the punching bag, the chain clanking against itself as it bobbed back and forth.

"You're getting faster, that's a good sign." Jason said, handing me a bottle of water.

"Fast enough for Sonic?" I asked before taking a sip.

He chuckled and shook his head. "We're not there quite yet. Believe me, you'll know."

I set the water bottle down and cracked my neck, putting my hands up in front of my face in a fighting stance. "Is Jason ready to fight?"

He nodded, smiling. "Jason is ready to fight-"

I threw my fist at his face before he finished speaking but he dodged it, my fist clipping his ear instead.

I immediately readied myself again as his arm curved down to punch me in the stomach, but I lurched out of the way and threw a punch at his temple, which he took, stumbling back.

He dove at me but I ducked out of the way as he kept running towards the opposite wall, momentum carrying him into the concrete.

"Can I upgrade to Jason two point oh? Because this is just pathetic." I challenged, cracking my neck.

"Just letting you warm up." He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes, running towards him and forcing a fist into his stomach.

A sharp pain went through my knuckles and I whimpered but toughened up again, sending my fist towards his nose. He grabbed my hand and twisted it, my foot slamming into his balls as he did.

He groaned and fell to the ground, holding his genitals. I put my foot on his chest for emphasis.

"You're getting good, Madisyn, I'm not lying." He moaned.

I smiled proudly. "Am I Sonic good now-" He pulled my ankle out from under me and I slammed to the ground ass first, my tailbone feeling like it had been shot.

He mounted me, pinning my arms down with his knees. "The foot on the chest move, seriously? Don't get cocky, Madisyn, just get the job done."

I rolled my eyes, jerking him off of me. "I wouldn't do that in actual fighting." I murmured, rubbing my throbbing butt.

He raised an eyebrow. "You wouldn't?"

I looked down at my feet. "If they were unconscious I might."

He scoffed, picking up his duffel bag and slinging it over his shoulder. "Going to the tree lighting tonight?"

I nodded. "Aubrey insists." Every year the town buys a giant Christmas tree to display in the square, and every year they have a ceremony for when they turn on the lights to officially commence the Christmas season. I honestly think it's a waste of time and energy. Parking is a nightmare, working through the crowds is a battle itself, and it barely suffices for entertainment, it's literally just the mayor flicking a switch and letting everyone "ooh and ah" at how pretty it is. I'm bored after thirty seconds and the tree stays lit until New Years anyway but Aubrey still insists that it's a tradition.

"Well, I'll be there if she is driving you insane."

I glared at him, wondering why he actually thought he had a chance. "I'm good thanks."

He puffed out an annoyed sigh, dropping his water bottle into his bag. "Can we please move past that I kissed another girl and just be friends? Hanging out with me in public does not entail dating."

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