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Warning: This chapter contains mature themes (aka smut). I labeled the beginning of the smutty part with a * and ended it with the same sign so you can skim over that part if you prefer. Read at your own discretion.


"What? Madisyn, can you repeat that?! I can't hear anything you're saying. Jim! Order me another margarita!"

I pressed my lips together as I listened to the loud bar scene over the phone, reggae blasting in the background. I really shouldn't tell her now. She was having too much fun.

"Madisyn? Are you still there?" Mrs. Lange asked over the phone.

I considered just hanging up, wait until tomorrow, wait until she gets back, but I knew that she would call him tomorrow morning and he wouldn't answer, then I would have to tell her.

"Mrs. Lange," I took a deep breath. "Jason is in the hospital."

The line went dead besides the rowdy shouting behind her. "He must've tripped or something, right? That boy is such a clutz." She laughed nervously in denial. "It's not serious. Just a broken arm or something like that, I assume. I'm just being a w-worried mother, right?" Her voice got increasingly more uneasy as she spoke and her happy vacation mood was slipping away from her.

A tear dripped down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. "He got shot. In his heart and his lung."

I heard her breath hitch over the phone. "Is he dead?" She was so calm.

"No, the doctor is waiting until tomorrow night to see if we should take him off the machines-"

She broke into sobs and I heard the bar quiet around her.

I quickly pulled the phone from my ear and hung up, taking a deep breath. I couldn't do anything to console her, hell, I needed consoling myself. I couldn't stay on the line and listen to her agony, I had enough of that already.

"I'm supposed to feel better right?" I asked, walking back into the living room. "I'm supposed to feel better after telling someone."

Logan shrugged. "I don't know. This has never happened to me before."

I plopped down next to him on the couch, taking the whiskey bottle from his hand and taking a swig. "This sucks."

"I know." He sighed, laying his head on my shoulder. "You'll get through this."

I pressed the heels of my hands to my eyes. "This sucks." I muttered again, feeling a weight on my chest. I should be with him right now. I should be at the hospital with him in case he woke up, even just to be there, but I was a coward.

"Is this you?" I heard Logan say as I took my hands off my eyes.

He motioned to a picture on the coffee table of me in high school, my arms wrapped around Jason wearing his football getup.

I smiled, taking it off the table. "Yeah."

"I always hated couples like you. It didn't seem fair that the hot popular kids got each other while the rest of us were left with ugly prom pictures."

I couldn't help but laugh. "You thought I was the hot popular girl?"

"I could see you as the bitchy head cheerleader dating the quarterback." He replied, motioning to the photo.

I shook my head, unable to rid the smile from my face. "That was Aubrey. I was the girl who got kicked off the cheerleading team and I dated the wide receiver of the varsity team, Aubrey dated the JV quarterback."

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