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"Start talking." One of the men grunted, ripping the duct tape off Logan's mouth.

My heart pounded in my chest as I looked around frantically at the room around me. There were probably six guys including the one holding me, all equipped with guns and brandishing a sharp, seven pointed snowflake on their chests.

"Seriously guys," Logan chuckled, looking up from the chair he was tied to. "Really with all this? Why can't we just have a civilized conversation like adults-"

"We could if you would start talking." One said roughly, aggressively shoving the barrel of his gun towards Logan's face.

His gaze locked with mine and to my surprise, he looked no where near as scared as I thought he was. "There's nothing to talk about."

The knife at my throat tended and I flinched.

"We both know what I want." The ringleader said.

I put on my scared, innocent girl face. "W-what are they talking about Logan?"

He glared at the ringleader. "Please, just take her somewhere else."

"Why? You don't want your girlfriend to know who you've been helping? That's too bad. I need names."

A muscle popped in Logan's jaw, holding eye contact with me. "Claire Bates."

"The whole city knows who Amphitrite is, smartass."

"I'm sorry but that's the only name I have."

The blade jammed down onto my skin and I began the flow of fake tears.

"Wrong answer." The ringleader growled. "How about you start with Voltage."

He looked hopelessly at the knife against my throat, but I shook my head ever so slightly so only he could notice. I didn't care if I died, at least my secret would be safe, that's all that mattered.

"I don't know." He said through clenched teeth.

"Wrong again." The ringleader seethed.

The blade hung just over my jugular, my pulse pounding against it alarmingly.

"Let her go," Logan pleaded. "Please she doesn't know anything, she means nothing to me-"

"So then it wouldn't matter if we slit her throat then?"

"No!" He shouted. "Listen, I don't know who Voltage is."

"The computers in your room say otherwise."

"I don't know who she is! She taps her headpiece into my computer and tells me to monitor her but we make no more correspondence. I don't know anything-"

The knife was pulled away from my neck and before I could act, a taser jabbed into my side.

My entire body went rigid and all I could feel was pain, an indescribable amount of awful pain.

And suddenly, I felt pity for everyone I had tased.

My shoulder slammed into the ground and I was immobilized in my place as the currents coursed through my body, tears leaking from my eyes as my body trembled. It felt like my body had been thrown on a grill and my skin was sizzling like a piece of greasy bacon. Everything felt tight, yet jello-like at the same time. It was like one giant Charlie horse cramp across my whole body and it hurt like hell.

I heard Logan scream and almost told him to shut up, it wasn't him that was just shot with thirty volts of electricity.

Behind the sound of blood rushing in my ears, I could hear the ringleader saying "I wonder how many more she can take before she dies."

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