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"Somebody is on the naughty list."

Aubrey turned and stared at me with wide eyes, her mouth slightly agape revealing the chewed up cookies she had shoved in her mouth just moments before.

"Madsh, I can expwain-"

I rolled my eyes and went over to the stove where two trays of freshly baked cookies sat, ready to be frosted. "Fine. You've had your ration. None for you later."

She swallowed. "But Madisyn..."

"No." I scolded, loading up the piping bag with frosting. "No buts. I go to the bathroom for one minute and I come back and you've eaten half a tray."

"Logan was going to eat those anyway. I did him a favor, I've been noticing his pants getting a little tighter lately."

"Speaking of Logan," I start as I pipe frosting onto one of the Christmas tree shaped cookies. "You haven't talked to him yet." I raised my eyebrows at her, ready for whatever bullshit excuse she was going to come up with.

"I chickened out, I know, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to say the big three words yet. By that I mean I'm not sure if he's ready. For now I think we should stick as friends-"

"With benefits." I added, recalling the noises I heard next door last night.

"-while I figure my feelings out." She glared at me. "Now you know how I feel every time Jason comes over."

I blush just at the mention of his name. "I don't know what you're talking about, we're quiet. Santa Claus didn't even know we were awake." I smirked at her, squeezing the bag so more frosting squirted out the end.

She rolled her eyes.

I heard the door unlock followed by the handle hitting against the wall. "Merry Christmas, bitches!" Logan's voice rang out through the apartment.

He popped his head into the kitchen, a grin plastered on his face, a red and white Santa hat wrapped in Christmas lights sitting atop his head. "I have presents." He adjusted the large red bag slung over his shoulder, which upon further inspection looked to be a garbage bag he spray painted red. "Where should I put them?"

Aubrey glanced over at me like You should probably go since I can't be in a room with him alone or else I'll rip his clothes off.... Also so I can eat more cookies. Which I took as my cue to deal with him.

I started out of the kitchen, him not far behind as I led him into the living room.

"Right under the tree."

He looked down at the dead three foot tall evergreen, paper snowflakes and scarce ornaments hung on its brown branches.

"This is what you call a tree?" He dropped his bag next to it, almost causing it to topple over.

"We have a budget, ok? It was either this or a stick."

He shrugged, straightening his horrendous Christmas light clad pants. On his butcheeks were two cartoon cookies, one had a chunk taken out of it and below the other were the words BITE ME. Seeing that disturbing message, I looked up at his red shirt with the statement written in big bold green letters that said SANTA ON BREAK. REQUESTS TAKEN ON ELF'S LAP with an arrow pointing down towards his crotch.

"Logan, I really hope you didn't see any small children on the way here because you might've just ruined their childhood."

He looked down at his shirt. "What? This? Isn't it hilarious? By the way, my lap is open to all naughty ladies of this house." He winked at me.

My mouth dropped open. "You're dating my best friend!"

"Not dating," He said under his breath. "Screwing."

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