
I suddenly became twenty times more alert despite my previous drowsy state. I hold my arm up, ready to shock any intruder in my way. I slowly crept into the kitchen to find a mostly naked man spare a pair of Calvin Klein boxers rifling around my fridge.

He turned around and our eyes locked, his growing wide. Without having to think, I pressed the button on my suit, waiting for electricity to shoot out, but it didn't. I was out.

I cursed under my breath as I leapt over the counter, knocking the man to the ground.

Unfortunately, my bad foot got caught under him as he thudded to the ground, causing me to let out a yelp of pain.

"Holy shit!" The main exclaimed, scrambling away from me on his hands. "Y-You're Voltage! Holy shit! I didn't do anything! I promise!"

I was really confused. I'm not sure if it's just because I was tired or what, but this naked man I was laying on top of seemed pretty innocent and scared.

Luckily, I didn't have to question my future actions much longer because Aubrey rushed into the room wearing nothing but an oversized t shirt. "Oh my God!"

I pushed myself off of the man, gathering myself before speaking. "I was called because there was an intruder." I swallowed a lump in my throat, looking down at the trembling body below me.

Aubrey looked from me, to the man, then back at me. "Wrong apartment." She stammered, completely mortified.

"My apologies. Have a nice night." I squeak, quickly running into my room and changed out of my suit into a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt, ruffling my hair to make it look like I've been fast asleep for a few hours.

I rubbed my eyes as I shuffled back out of my room. "Should I be worried that Voltage just jumped out my window?" It was a damn good thing I was such an amazing actress.

Aubrey was helping the man on the floor up. "Intruder in the apartment somewhere, it's all good now."

I nodded, staring at the man, gesturing to Aubrey that I wanted her to explain who the hell he was and why the hell he was in our apartment.

"Um," she looked over at him. "How about you go back into my room? I have to talk to Madisyn for a second."

I eyed him suspiciously as he followed her orders, watching me with the same speculatory gaze I was studying him with.

"I leave for a few hours," I grumble, hobbling over to the fridge. I open the freezer and take out a bag of frozen peas. "And come back to a strange man going through my food." I sat down on a counter stool and propped my foot up, putting the ice against my ankle. The chill of the package made me gasp like Hypothermia was touching me again, all it did was bring back bad memories of the encounter I didn't want to relive. "The one time I come home through the front door like you ask, I jeopardize my identity."

She ran her hand through her dark hair. "I'm sorry, Madi, I went out to a bar and picked him up... I didn't mean to startle you or anything."

"So what I'm hearing is," I leaned closer to her. "You got a man."

Her face lit up at the mention. "Yeah, and he's really good in bed."

"You get a man, and all I get is a twisted ankle." I sigh and look down at my swollen foot that just seems to be getting bigger the more I think about it.

"Let me take a look at that." Aubrey offered as she carefully took the bag off my foot, causing me to wince. She went to medical school for a few years before she dropped out and decided to become a fitness instructor. Needless to say, it came in handy when things like happened. Frequent and random visits to the doctors would raise suspicion. "How did that happen?"

Fatal AttractionsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon