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a man with charm is a very dangerous thing

ECHO AND DAMON sat at a table at Whitmore, which was covered with old books, researching for hours on end

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ECHO AND DAMON sat at a table at Whitmore, which was covered with old books, researching for hours on end.

The latter of the two was resting his head on one of the open books, and Echo looked over at him, grinning, before poking his cheek with the eraser of a pencil. "Hey."

Damon cracked an eye open and playfully scowled at her. "Stop. Are you watching me sleep?"

Shaking her head, she stopped poking him and set the pencil down. "No. I'm watching you drool all over Ric's textbooks, and considering you're already on his bad side..." She trailed off with a smirk on her features.

"I don't drool," he argued with a scoff as he lifted his head up, looking down at the book, and wiping his chin. "Hmm. Ohh. What time is it?"

Echo sighed and pushed the book that she was reading away from her. "Time for Ric to get a whole new reference library. We've been looking all night and I haven't found anything that looks even remotely close to that stupid Ascendant."

Damon sat up straighter and shrugged. "Well, we haven't looked hard enough. Let's get to it. Echo glared at him annoyance because while she had been searching, he had been asleep. After a moment, he cleared his throat and looked at her through the corner of his eye. "Find anything yet?"

"No," she answered with a roll of her eyes and reached for her cup of coffee before taking a sip.

"Still staring?" He asked with a mischievous smirk. "Do you like what you see?"

The huntress slash vampire glanced over at him with a grin and nodded. "Oh, hell yeah," she admitted not caring that he was going to let it get to his ego. She sent him a wink before her phone rung loudly. She took it out of her pocket and answered, "hey, Ric."

"Have you seen Jo?" The man on the other end questioned in concern.

"No, not since... honestly I don't remember the last time I saw her. She spends most of her time with you, after all." She began fiddling with a book on the table.

Ric sighed heavily in aggravation and worry causing Damon to furrow his eyebrows and take the phone from her. "Why?"

Later on, the couple met up with Ric and Elena in front of Whitmore to share information.

"So I asked around the hospital. No one's seen Jo since last night at the ER. A bunch of stab victims came in, and one of them's missing, as well," Elena explained with a heavy and worried sigh.

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