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i screamed so loud but no one heard it

ELENA AND ECHO walked into the dorm room together, holding coffees in their hands

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ELENA AND ECHO walked into the dorm room together, holding coffees in their hands.

"So, I, uh, volunteer at the hospital until, like, two. And then I figured we can carpool to the party at the swimming hole," Elena spoke up as Echo came to a stop once she saw Caroline packing.

The younger twin frowned. "Um, normally, when you move back in, you unpack."

"I'm not staying." Caroline eyed up the two girls.

After the messy night that Caroline and Echo had when they went after Stefan, Caroline came home with Echo and stayed at the dorm.

"Last night was just a momentary moment of weakness."

"Momentary moment?" Elena asked with raised brows. "Caroline, needing your friends isn't a weakness, momentary or otherwise."

Caroline rolled her eyes and then slammed her shut case shut after she crammed her last few items inside of it. "Tell that to Stefan, the asshat!"

Echo choked on her saliva and then smirked. "I see that you're picking up on my sayings."

Caroline smiled for a second before sighing loudly. "Anyway, I gotta go. I've got breakfast with Enzo, so."

"Enzo?" The doppelganger's eyes widened in confusion as she turned to Echo in surprise who smiled at the mention of the British vampire. "Hang on? I thought he wanted you dead, and tried to kill you—" she pointed to her sister who simply shrugged. "You guys go on one road trip and now you're breakfast buddies?"

Echo rose her free hand up, the other currently holding a coffee cup. "I, for one, am not going to this so called breakfast." She then frowned at her best friend. "I'm kinda bummed I wasn't invited, but that's fine." She then turned back to her sister. "But, it's strange, you know. I feel like he's the only person who truly understands how bad it hurts to not have Damon here anymore. He gets it." She frowned and sucked in a breath to keep herself grounded. "We have bonded."

Elena slowly nodded. "Okay. Then invite him to the party."

"Elena..." Caroline trailed off.

"Come on. I got Matt to take the afternoon off from his training and Tyler to give the practice squad a break. Even Jeremy is coming." The girl listed with a little grin on her face. "And of course Jack is coming." She sighed a little. "It's been forever since we've all been together. It'll be fun." She then glared at the both of them seeing as her sister looked a little hesitant. "Don't make me invoke the nuclear option. Cause I will selfie-bomb you both. Every five minutes."

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