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we're just kids who grew up way too fast

EVERYONE IN THE Grill was gathered around tables and raised their shot glasses, repeating 'Uncle Steve' before downing the shot and clapping

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EVERYONE IN THE Grill was gathered around tables and raised their shot glasses, repeating 'Uncle Steve' before downing the shot and clapping. And the process went on, the bell would ring and a toast would be made to a fallen family member.

"This town always so upbeat about dead people?" Stefan questioned, looking around the bar at everyone who seemed a little too happy about death.

"Not usually." Echo shrugged as she sat beside her boyfriend. She would rather do anything else but help Stefan remember things, but she promised Damon and Elena she would be on her best behavior. "But, death happens so much on this town, that it wouldn't help to get drunk in process of thinking about them."

Damon nodded in response, finally placing down his glass of Bourbon and looking at his brother, "Well, in the theme of morbid town tradition, you go back to the 1820's when everyone was so paranoid about the cholera thing that they would occasionally bury a body before it's time."

Echo grinned as she turned to her favorite vampire. "You look sexy when you get all smart."

He gave her a wink and placed his hand on her thigh.

"So, we have a holiday dedicated to burying people alive?" The younger Salvatore raised his eyebrows in utter confusion.

"Well, they were so paranoid that they would actually request to be buried with a string attached to a bell above ground. Then, the whole family would hang around the grave for 24 hours in hopes of hearing the bell and that their loved ones would come back, but not it's really just a kick ass excuse to get hammered."

A waitress began to approach the table, clearing up their empty shot gasses and shots the trio a smile. However, Stefan staring at the pulsing vein in her neck which the pair immediately noticed.

"Hey, can we get another round in please?" Echo asked with a fake smile on her face — this was an attempt to get the waitress away from the hungry vampire. "

"Comin' up." The woman nodded before walking off towards the bar.

Stefan blinked a few times, not quite sure what just happened to him. He then turned to gate at his brother. "What the hell was that?"

"That, my brother, was you jonesing for something a little stronger than a blood bag," Damon explained, however he didn't understand the problem with wanting human blood.

"So, what's the problem? You spent the whole day trying to convince me I'm a vampire. I'm convinced. Now let me act like one."

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