The cabin

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We got out of the car and walked inside. "How many rooms are there?" Kaminari asked. "2 rooms." Mina said looking at the card in front of the cabin. "That's all I could get on such short notice." Fumikage said while rubbing the back of his neck.

Mina grabs my hand and pulls me into a bedroom. "Well, I guess you guys get the other room!" I call out before going into a bedroom with Mina. Mina let's out a long sigh as we both plop down on a bed. "Hey, wanna go swimming?" Mina asks me. "With the boys?" I ask her while I get up and put my clothes up. "Nah. We need to spend time to ourselves. But later we can go tubing with them or have jousting fights on those weird water mats, or go fishing." "Well, this is gonna be fun!" I say while running into the bathroom to put on my swimsuit. I take my clothes off and change into my swimsuit. The swimsuit was a one piece and it was black and had purple stripes up near the shoulders with a light yellow band around the middle. I walk out to see Mina in a orange bikini with pink flowers on it. "Ooohhh, Mina you look good!" I say laughing while she poses. "Thanks! You look amazing too!" She says as we both start to get shoes on. "Weeee!" I say while we run out of the bedroom and to the lake. "I'll beat you!"

I scream at Mina as she starts catching up to me. "Aw, heck nah!" She screams as we both dive in the water. We start splashing each other and eventually get tired. "Ughhhhhh, I'm so tired!" I say as I float on the water. "Come on, we just got here and you're tired? That's too bad." I look up to see all the boys walking down to the water. "Oh, hey guys!" I say as my eyes travel over to a certain bird-headed boy. Fumikage was standing right beside Kaminari with light purple swimming trunks on. My eyes slowly trail down to his bare torso. He is a very muscular person. My eyes look at every inch of his body, while I'm getting redder by the minute.

"Y/n? Y/n?" I hear Fumikage say which takes me out of my trance. "Yeah?" I ask, with a face that's almost the color of Kirishima's hair. "Come on, let's go!" Fumikage says as he points to a mat that's not very big. "Huh?" I say with a confused face. He smiles and rolls his eyes as he has Dark Shadow place me on the mat. I can hear Mina start to giggle in the background as Fumikage climbs up right beside me. "It's nice out." Fumikage says as he lays down. Then, I start to lay down, "Yeah." "Hey y/n?" Fumikage says as his face starts to become red. "Hm?" "Will you... Will you be my girlfriend?" He says as he leans up. I shoot up at those words and become red all the way down my neck and over my ears. "Yes, yes, yes!" I say as I smile and hug Fumikage as we both fall off the mat and into the water.

Sorry this chapter took a while to come, I was busy! The next updates will come soon! <3

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