Battles pt.1

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I get partnered with Kirishima, Kaminari gets partnered with Mina, Bakugou gets partnered with Sero, and Tokoyami is sitting out, but going to fill in for the loser after the first battle gets finished.

POV: Kaminari

I walk over to the spot where I start. I'm kinda nervous but at the same time excited. I don't know what it's gonna be like to face Mina. I am positive that I'm gonna lose though. When Mina gets focused she gets FOCUSED!

I start to get ready and Tokoyami counts us down. "3,2,1, go!" Mina starts shooting acid at me in rapid shots. I have to think of a plan first. I got my plan in my mind, ready to execute it. Mina stopped shooting for the time being, so I went closer to her. That was a mistake. She shot more acid in more accurate shots. One almost tore my knee! It just gave me a slight burn. "Ahh!" I cried out in pain. I immediately shot an electric pulse right at her. She didn't see it coming and it got her too. "Ow!" she said. I looked up to see her arm by her side, thus she can't use it anymore.

A smile spread across my face. Mina started to throw acid on the ground which confused me a little bit, but before I could look back up I felt something hot hit my burned leg. "Ow crap!!" I yelled. Mina shot acid at my leg! I looked back up at her and started sprinting right at her. She wasn't ready for the sudden movement, so I shocked her once I got at least 5 feet away. I ran up to her and we had hand to hand combat with our quirks. She shot me with acid so I kicked her shin, but before she could stand back up I shot her with a big bolt of electricity. "Owwwww!!! That hurts!!!" she screamed. She had serious damage all over her body. Before I could hit her again I heard Tokoyami.

"Kaminari! Stop! You won! She is out of bounds!" I looked at Mina to see her pink figure behind the boundary line. My eyes widened as I took in the scene before me. "I-I won!" I said in pure disbelief. "I won!" Tokoyami interrupted me and said "Yes you did, but now you have to face me." I took a deep breath and readied myself for the fight before me.

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