The Beach

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Mina and I walk toward the others with big smiles on our faces. "Are you guys ready!?" Mina says with a hint of flirtiness in her voice.

We get a bunch of yes' back from everyone. "Great let's go!!" I grab Mina's hand and we jump into the water. "Wait for us!" Kaminari calls with Sero close behind. "Hey you stupid extras! Wait for me!" Bakugou comes storming into the water with Kirishima. I start to splash Mina and Sero, before we know it everyone is having a splash fight.

I notice some is missing.... Tokoyami!! I get up to look around for him. I see him resting on the sand with his eyes closed. I walk up to him and lay down right beside him.

"Hey Toko!" I say as I was getting into a comfortable position. "Hey (l/n)." "Why are you by yourself over here?" "Well, I am gonna go swimming soon, but it's so calming laying down. The nice blue sky and you can hear seagulls in the distance." Now that I think about it, it is really nice here. "Yeah, I guess it is kinda nice!" Tokoyami gives me a nice smile. I start to blush and let out a nice, long, peaceful sigh. I don't notice it, but our hands are slowly inching closer to each other. We finally notice when both our hands lightly touch.

We both blush, but make no move to move our hands. We stay like that until Mina calls us over. "(L/n)!! Tokoyami!! Come on!!" We look at each other and then get up slowly. "Mina! But I was so peaceful!"  I said with a pouty face. Tokoyami looks at me and gives me a smile.

We both walk in the water and shiver at the cold feeling "Ugh, it's so cold." Tokoyami says. Before I could reply Tokoyami starts to shoot me with a water gun. "Ahhhhhh Tokoyami!" He starts to laugh then I grab a water gun and we have a water gun fight while laughing. Mina and Kirishima start running over to us and join in on the fight. We all go up to the beach and lie down from exhaustion. Bakugou stands and scoffs at us all. "Tch.. You lame extras. Get up so we can go do something." Kaminari replies with, "Ok then! What should we do?"

"Well, it is around lunch time, so lets go eat!" Sero points out. At the end we all decide to eat at the café near the beach. We go to the bathrooms to change out of our bathing suits. "Hurry up!" Bakugou yells at the rest of us still in the bathroom. "Ok wait a second!" I yell while walking towards our group. We all start walking towards the café, but I feel something poke my side. "Owwww. Mina why did you push me!" Tokoyami yells. "Sorry (l/n)." He said with some blush on his face. "I-It's ok Toko." I said feeling flustered.

Bakugou and Kirishima let out laughs. "Psh, you two are so awkward!" "Shut up!" I yell, still a bit flustered. We soon reach the café and sit down. The seating arrangement on one side is Kirishima, Bakugou, Sero. On the other side is Tokoyami, me, Mina, and Kaminari. We get our orders and start to eat. "Huh, this food isn't bad." "Not at all." Soon enough Kaminari and Sero are rambling on about memes.  "Are memes all they talk about?" Tokoyami asks. "Pretty much." I reply. We both start laughing. "Is everyone finished?" Mina asks. She receives all yes' as replies.

"Ok, what should we do next?" Kirishima asks. "Well, we need to put our beach stuff up first." We all get up and walk to the dorms to put our stuff up. We walk to the dorms and break off going to the correct dorms.

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