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"Hey guys, I heard you two sparred together! I heard it was one heck of a match!" says Mina. "Yeah, it was so manly!" Kirishima says and butts in. You and Tokoyami both blush. "Thanks guys, Tokoyami put up a really good match! It was super hard to get close to him."

"Well you certainly pulled it off by jumping over Dark Shadow." says Tokoyami. Kaminari starts arguing with Mina about who was supposed to win if you didn't go out of bounds. "Shut up extras." Bakugo says. Before you know it Kaminari, Bakugo, and Mina are arguing. Lunch then ends and you head to Present Mic's class. "Well hello everyone! Let's get this party started!" says Present Mic. After class you walk to your dorm and start watching Netflix. You get bored and can't sleep so you go outside to relax.

You see a dark figure next to a dark purple shadow. "Tokoyami!" He turns to see you. "What are you doing out here (l/n)?" Dark Shadow immediately nuzzles up to you. "Can't sleep. Why are you out here?" you ask. "I'm training. I dart to lose control in the dark so I'm trying to learn how to control him more. If you didn't come I don't know what would've happened." You stroke the top of Dark Shadow and look into his bright yellow eyes. You look up to see Tokoyami staring into the darkness. You ask Dark Shadow to leave you two. Dark Shadow immediately goes back inside Tokoyami. You walk up to Tokoyami, "It sure is nice in the darkness isn't it?" "Yes, it is." You look into Tokoyami's calm, red eyes. You mutter under your breath, "Those eyes are amazing."

"What did you say (l/n)?" "Oh, nothing!" you quickly reply back. Without either of you noticing you both scoot closer to each other. Tokoyami notices and quickly says "Oh, I'm gonna go to bed." You and Tokoyami make your way to the dorms and start to go to sleep. You wake up and get ready to go on the field trip you are going on.

You go to class to see everyone loading the bus. You step up onto the bus and sit in one of the seats in the back of the bus. Tokoyami steps onto the bus. "Tokoyami!! Over here!" you scream at him. He gives a light smile and walks toward you. He sits right beside you, "Are you excited?" he asks. "Yeah, I think it might be fun!" You and Tokoyami talk for a while. Then you hear Mr. Aizawa say, "Brace yourselves! There's a bump on the road coming up!" You and Tokoyami get no time to react. The bus immediately flies into the air and slams down. You let out a small groan before looking up and seeing you clutching Tokoyami. You and Tokoyami start turning red. "Omg!! Kiri, come look!" You hear Mina say. Mina and Kiri both say "I ship it!" Mina starts taking photos and before we could protest she already took all the photos she wanted. "I'm sorry Tokoyami! I didn't mean to—" "It's ok (l/n), it wasn't on purpose." You get up off Tokoyami and go back to talking.

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