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You look at Tokoyami to see Dark Shadow right beside him ready to come at you. You're thinking: "How can I get past Dark Shadow to reach Tokoyami? I don't think my quirk will work on Dark Shadow. I need a plan to get past him." Right before you could finish thinking Dark Shadow shoots at you. You immediately jump up above him and decide to use your quirk on yourself to keep you in the air.

You rush over to Tokoyami to see Dark Shadow right in front of him. You barely dodge Dark Shadow as he reaches out to push you away. You look at the spot where you last saw Tokoyami and see he moved away while you were distracted. "That was clever Tokoyami." "Thanks (l/n)."

You plant your feet firmly on the ground and look around. All you see is dirt, Tokoyami and Dark Shadow. You think: "What if I found a way to make Dark Shadow not see me?" You run toward Dark Shadow and see him rushing toward you. Right before Dark Shadow could catch you, you use your quirk on yourself to float behind him. You fall to the ground and start running at Tokoyami. He rushes Dark Shadow toward you in hope he can grab you. He realizes Dark Shadow can't make it in enough time. He rushes toward Dark Shadow and you barely skim his cape. He starts to float up so, he rips his cape off and falls to the ground.  "I was so close! Why did you have to take that cape off Tokoyami?!"

He starts to chuckle quietly. He jumps behind Dark Shadow and Dark Shadow rushes behind you. You have no idea why and then you see him circle you. Realization dawns on your face, he was trying to trap you! You start to use your quirk on yourself and Dark Shadow was one step ahead of you. He grabs your leg and throws you out of bounds, you were so close to the boundary line, only a few inches away. "Dang it!" you yell. Tokoyami comes up to you and says "Wow that was harder than I thought.

"Well you underestimate me Tokoyami." Kirishima and Midoriya walk over to you two, "Wow guys that was so manly! I never knew you guys had that in you!" said Kirishima.

"W-wow that was amazing!" "Thanks Midoriya!"  "I'm really tired from that." "Me too, you put up a great fight (l/n). Let's go rest for a bit." You and Tokoyami go to the classroom, on the way you see Mr.Aizawa coming over to you two. He says "Go ahead and go to lunch it's almost time." You and Tokoyami go to lunch. You see Mina and Kirishima waving at you to go over there with Tokoyami.

"Tokoyami, let's sit over there." "Uhhhhhhhhhhhh ok, (l/n)." You two sit down at the table and start talking.

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