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You wake up to see Tokoyami sitting right beside you. You look up at him and say "Hey Tokoyami, why are you here?" "Well someone had to make sure you're ok." "Thanks Tokoyami!" You smile at him. "Can we go now?" you say. "Sure."

You almost fall over when you stand, but Tokoyami catches you. "Are you ok?" "Yes, I'm fine." "Is class over?" Tokoyami chuckles and says "Yup." You and Tokoyami start to part ways. You start to go to your dorm when a brunette says "Hey (l/n)! Are you ok?" "Yes, I'm good Uraraka!" "I'm glad you are ok (l/n)!"

You go to your dorm and lay down exhausted. "Sigh." You wake up and go straight to Recovery Girl. "Hello (l/n)! How are you?" says Recovery Girl. "I'm good!" Recovery Girl quickly kisses your arm and leg and shoos you out the door.

You go to class and everyone is asking about you. "Are you ok?" "How's your arm?" "Does it hurt?"   "I'm fine guys." you say. Mr. Aizawa tell everyone to be quiet and sit down. "How are you" Tokoyami says. "I'm fine! Thanks for sitting with me yesterday!" you reply nicely. Mr. Aizawa starts talking "Alright class, despite the incident that happened yesterday, we are going to continue training with our quirks. Go ahead and get ready."

You head over to the locker room and hear someone calling you. "(L/n)! Wait up!" You turn around to see Uraraka waving at you. You smile and say "Hey Uraraka! I'm excited to train again! Are you?" "Yeah, I am!"

You walk out to the gym and see Tokoyami standing alone in the gym with Dark Shadow. You look and walk over to them, Dark Shadow immediately rushes over to you. "Oh my goodness Dark Shadow! Hello to you too!" "Hey Tokoyami, wanna spar together?" "Are you sure about that (l/n)? You just recovered."  "Yes, Tokoyami, I'm perfectly fine!"

"Ok, (l/n). Let's go." You and Tokoyami head over to the training grounds. You both take your places and Iida starts to count you down "3,2,1, go!!" You have one of the brightest smiles in your face, you can't contain your excitement to go against Dark Shadow and Tokoyami.

Sorry it's short I just want to start a new chapter!

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