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Quirk: Touch Manipulation. You can move things however you want any way but, only by touching them. You can hold a single object for 10 minutes before your quirk wears off. Then you can use it again. But you have to wait a few seconds before your second use.

You are about to start your first day at UA, one of the best hero schools in Japan!You're so excited you can hardly contain yourself! You start to walk into the building and you see the class 1-A.

You are kinda nervous and look into the classroom. Mr. Shouta Aizawa is your teacher. You walk in and he says "Everyone listen up, we have a new student!" Everyone immediately stops talking and looks at you. You notice a bird-faced dude near the back of the class. He isn't looking at you, which slightly puzzles you.

"Everyone this is our new student, (y/n) (l/n)." "Please treat her with respect." Mr. Aizawa's eyes immediately turn to a dude with spiky blonde hair. (L/n) goes to her chair right next to the bird-faced boy but, before you could start a conversation a mountain of 1-A students start crowding you.

"Hi, I'm Eijiro Kirishima!" says someone. You get to know everyone except for the bird-headed boy. You say "Hey Mina, who's that?" pointing at the bird-faced boy. "Oh him? That's Tokoyami, he's not very social so nobody really knows him."

(L/n) looks over at Tokoyami and says "Hello I'm (y/n) (l/n)." Tokoyami looks over at you with his calm red eyes and says "Hello, I'm Fumikage Tokoyami, nice to meet you."

Before you could reply Mr. Aizawa starts to speak. "Listen up everybody we are going to go outside and look at your quirks, everyone get your uniforms on and meet me outside!" Uraraka comes up to you and asks to show you the way to the locker rooms.

You look at the uniforms and are mesmerized at how nice they are. "Hey (l/n) come on!" says Tsu and Uraraka. You follow them out and take your place in line in front of Tokoyami and behind Bakugo and Kirishima. You turn to look at Tokoyami, "Hey Tokoyami what's your quirk?" He says " Dark Shadow." You're thinking: Dark Shadow? What's that? Right before you could ask you hear Bakugo say "Shut up." "Excuse me?!" you say.

Right before you could reply Kirishima steps in and says "Whoa Bakugo, calm down! Sorry about that (l/n)." "It's ok." Mr. Aizawa calls on Kiri and you see his hardening and gasp in amazement! "That was pretty cool!" Bakugo cuts in and says "Mines cooler." Then it's your turn. You touch the ball and throw it. It floats in the air for a minute and starts zooming away.

Everyone gasps in amazement at your cool quirk. Tokoyami says "Wow (l/n) your quirk isn't bad." I am puzzled that he doesn't praise me more. Then I see a dark purple shadow peek out from him. I see it throw the ball exceptionally far. "Wow Tokoyami! Your quirk is amazing!!" He gets light pink in the cheeks and says "Thank you, (l/n)."

"No problem!" you say. Mr.Aizawa says "Listen up! Even though Midoriya got the lowest score I am not expelling him." "Everyone go get changed!" I walk back to the locker room and Kaminari comes up beside me.

"Hey (l/n)! Wanna go out sometime?" "Um Kaminari we just met, we can't immediately start a relationship." You start laughing. Kaminari leaves you, then, you look behind you and see Tokoyami. "Hey Tokoyami! Your quirk was amazing! That was so cool! Can I see it again?" "Sure." Tokoyami summons Dark Shadow out and Dark Shadow immediately starts looking at you. Then he starts nuzzling you. You laugh! "Dark Shadow hasn't ever done that, he must really like you."

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