Brave amazon warrior

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"You ready honey?" Mr Matthews smiled faintly as he came into my room while I was changing into the clothes Lucas packed in that bag "Yea..let's go" I reply taking one last look around the room before taking his hand, letting him lead me down the hospital hallways to the waiting rooms

"Where are the other students?" I asked "many of them just came out from their rooms before, others have sat in the waiting room all day, others have had their parents pick them up" mr Matthews replied as we reached the reception

I limped weakly behind him as fast as I could, aware that my sore leg was getting worse and worse with each step. The students looked up as they saw me enter the room, some had smiles on their face, some continued to cry over their friends and some just looked..numb.

"Let's go guys" one of the other teachers that came on the trip advised them group of students, motioning for them to get on the busses that had arrived to take us home. I hobbled on and sat beside Isadora, leaning my head against the window staring at various objects

The bus was silent the whole way back to New York, luckily it was only an hour or so drive so I managed to do fine, sleeping here and there. "Okay guys..many of your parents are here, let me know when you are leaving" mr Matthews sighed, opening the bus doors for the kids.

We piled out as I looked around the sea of students and parents mixing together until I found mom and Shawn standing with topanga, auggie, Farkles and isadoras parents. Without being able to run, I sort of just hobbled my way over to them, collapsing into their arms as I cried my heart and soul out

"I've got you baby..I've got you" my mom whispered sweetly. Memories of Lucas saying that exact sentence the night he caught me made me cry harder " really are a brave amazon warrior. It must've taken serious guts to run inside after Riley, and I can't thank you enough for saving her life" Topanga rubbed my back, replacing my mom and shawn as she gave me a hug

I nodded against her chest, letting her go and moving back to my parents. I followed them to the car, sitting in the backseat as they drove away from the school. I saw mr Matthews cry on topangas shoulder, the first time I had ever seen him cry.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Shawn asked during the drive home "there's nothing to talk about..Lucas got us out, the fire started, Riley went in, mr Matthews and Farkle came out, I went in, pushed Riley off a window seal and then fell as the floor collapsed from under me, landing in Prince Charmings arms" I stayed, absolutely now emotion in my voice at all

"Maya baby..what you did was very brave and you have earned a lot of respect from it, but it was not your responsibility to go in after Riley, she made a bad choice to go in there" my mom sighed from the passengers seat. I rolled my eyes "I know. It doesn't matter though because we're both fine" I reply

"How's your leg?" Shawn asked, keeping his eyes on the road "it's not too bad, the bandages look like a lot bigger deal then it really is" I say as I look out the window for the 50th time today

"Wait wait..who's Lucas?" My mom asked with a smirk on her face "he's a guy I met there, he's very sweet and he caught me when I fell out of the building, sat by my side all night until I woke up the next morning" I reply, a fond memory of him

"You've never mentioned him before? Is he new?" She replied, prying deeper into your life "he's in college mom. He's 21" I sigh, refusing to look at her "oh maya" she sighed as well.

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