Never have i ever

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"This place is SO BORING" Riley raged the next day, huffing as she sat down on the couch in front of the fireplace. Isadora sat on the couch across from her and Farkle sat beside me by the fireplace as we continued to talk "why can't we do something fun" Riley added a few minutes later, still whining about how bored she is

"Then let's play a game" Josh, one of the college students spoke from behind her "Zay go get the sticks" he smirked, gesturing to his room. Zay did as he was told before returning with a small duffel bag. Lucas sat beside Isadora, Josh in between them and Zay sat next to Riley. Another boy called Harry joined, sitting on the other side of Farkle.

"What's this?" Isadora asked confused "this is never have I ever. We ask a question and if you've done it you show the I have sign and if you haven't you flip it to the I haven't sign" Zay explained, handing everyone a paddle

I sighed, hesitating to play. I looked up to him as he stuck it in front of me "come on blondie you have to play" he smiled. I took it from him leaning closer to Farkle "this is gonna turn to shit" I whisper quietly, using the paddle to block my mouth from the others views

He chuckled quietly with a nod "okay we all have one, I'll make up the questions and then we all answer" Josh confirmed. We all nodded "okay we'll start easy..never have I ever ditched a class" he asked. I watched as a few of them twisted their paddles to see what I was supposed to do before twisting mine to the green side, the 'i have' side.

All of the college kids were green, Riley and Isadora the only ones that it was red for. "Okay okay...never have I ever cheated on someone" he asked. My eyes happened fo look over to Lucas' for a split second, the red 'i havent' faced us. I turned mine to red too before examining everyone else's

"Let's get juicy now" Zay smirked "never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex?" He asked mischievously. Everyone's paddles flew to red, Riley's and I'd staying green. We looked at each other for a split second before cracking up laughing

"No way! Together?" Harry laughed, pointing between the two of us. Riley turned a light shade of pink "it was just a dare, no biggie" I confess, easing the situation. "Never have I ever lost my virginity" ah the dreaded question

All of the college boys were on green, Farkles too. Riley and Isadora turned there's over to red while mine stayed on green, chewing on the inside of my cheek I shifted uncomfortably. A smirk laid across a few of the boys faces while looking at me, Riley had a proud look on her face "next question" I smile softly, hinting to move on

Josh thankfully did, moving onto the next question "never have I ever said told someone you loved them just to get laid" he asked. I left mine on green, it's complicated! Lucas' paddle turned back to red saying he hasn't, zay and Farkle did the same while Harry and josh left theirs green. I disapproving look laid across Lucas' face for a split second before sending me a comforting smile

"Never have I ever gotten drunk..underage" Josh asked. I threw my hands up slightly in defeat, I may as well just leave mine on green permanently. "You know what? I like you" Harry chuckled, his eyes looking over to me. I looked around Farkles, Riley's and isadoras board which all read 'i havent'

I rolled my eyes playfully "okay let's do like 2 more..never have I ever smoked weed or gotten high of any sort?" Zay questioned. I sucked in another deep breath. All of the college boys had there's on green, including Farkle and I while the other girls kept theirs on red

"I think mines broken" I state, banging it gently on the table to get it to work. The group laughed at my joke, I was being serious. "Never have I ever sent someone scandalous pictures?" He questioned

As the groups changed I watched as Riley's turned to green, another pink blush spreading over her cheeks. I turned mine to green however not feeling as embarrassed because the only persons on red was Harry.

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