You must be lucas

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Maya's point of view

"That was josh..he's Riley's uncle. He's your guys' age..I used to have a massive crush on him but he always hit me with this 'I'm 3 years older then you maya' shit..I mean I was like 16 and he was 18 so I get it looked a bit weird" I shrugged

"Ohh so you're into older guys" Zay pointed out with an 'ohhh' shaped face. I laughed, giving him a small nod and leaning my body onto Lucas', his arm around my waist "aren't you glad this one didn't pull the 3 years older then you shit" he chuckled, this time pointing to Lucas

"So what happened?" Lucas questioned. I furrowed my eyebrows "eh..I got older, grew up and lost interest in him..looking back at it I'm not sure what I was hoping for" I state curiously, what was I thinking with josh?

"So how goes it feel?" Riley, Farkle and Isadora came to join us. "It feels the same as any other day" I laugh softly "well now your an adult! Your so grown I'm so proud of the young woman I see before me" Riley pretended to tear up as if she was my mother making us all laugh

"How's the moving In going?" Farkle asked the boys. Lucas shrugged, "pretty easy..we didn't have much stuff to move" he replied "I think we should decorate, maybe a rug and some nice lamps? Maybe with a dark grey accent painting on the wall?" Zay suggested to Lucas

We all laughed, lucas shook his head "If you want to do that then you can" he allowed. "I wanna come see it tho!" I whine playfully, "I do too!" Isadora joined in. "Come tomorrow after school?" Lucas asked

"What! I wanna come too! Just because I'm not dating you doesn't mean Riley doesn't want to be invited!" She pointed to herself "you guys can come too, Riley" Zay chuckled at her

Zay and Isadora soon went over to the food stand, Riley and Farkle busying themselves next to us. Lucas moved his arm from around my waist, standing up from the stool, "sit you want anything?" He asked sweetly, I shook my head, watching as he leant against the counter behind me

"I still can't believe you moved here.." i looked to him with a smile. He nodded "I insane will your parents think I am.." he mumbled the last point, his eyes flashing over to my mom and Shawn heading toward us

"You must be Lucas" my mom smiled, leaning in to greet him by doing that fancy cheek touching thing. "Shawn" Shawn stuck out his hand, Lucas shaking it "it's nice to meet you, both" Lucas smiled politely

"No! it's so nice to meet you! Maya's told us all about you" she looked down fo me with a nice smile. I internally rolled my eyes, knowing he's going to like that I talk about him "we'd like to thank you, Lucas. We know how much support you provided Maya during the trip to the meant a lot that she had someone there to care and look after her while we couldn't be" my mom stayed

Lucas placed a hand gently on my back, using this opportunity, I leant into him more, liking the closeness. "It's really nothing..I loved doing it" he smiled. "Well! It was so nice meeting you finally, were gonna head off now to leave you guys with your friends..but Maya I hope you bring Lucas over for dinner one day" she wrapped an arm around shawns arm

I nodded "okay thank you" I reply. "Id love to" lucas flashed them one last smile before they turned away to leave. He let out a breath once they had, turning back to me with raised eyebrows "well?" He asked

"She invited you over for dinner, she never does that so you must've done something right" I chuckle, leaning up to give him a sweet kiss

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