See you

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"How's school going for you?" I question awkwardly once we had reached topangas. He shrugged, taking a sip of his drink "it's fine..I've only got the rest of the year left..have you decided on what you're gonna do?" He replied

"Probably law school..I've applied to a few around New York but I don't know where else to" I reply, taking the straw between my fingers and twirling it "you'll be a good lawyer" he smirked "cos I'm bossy?" I question with a laugh

"No! Because you'll stand up for yourself and other people" he replied. A small smile grew on my face as I looked at him "what.?" He asked awkwardly. I laughed again "it's's just strange isn't it? That we met in a lodge, it burned down, your here in New York..the whole thing is just..strange" I quirked an eyebrow

He nodded "it is..but I'm okay with it" he chuckled "I just don't want you to leave say you'll come back when I turn 18 and then what? You have to leave would be so much easier if-" I stopped myself from what I was about to say. Lucas furrowed his eyebrows "..if you hadn't met me?" He questioned

I shook my head No quickly "No, it would be so much easier if we lived in the same state.." I chuckled. His face softened, "oh good!" He smiled. We sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes until I spoke again, "do you know what you want to do once you finish school?" I ask him

He shrugged slightly again, "not really..Zay and I were considering going back to Texas, maybe even staying in LA...I could consider New York now" he smirked. "Good idea" I chuckled

An uneasy feeling sat within me all morning, dreading the time he has to go again. I had shaky hands, checking the time on my phone I saw it was 12:38 and my heart sunk even further "I guess we should get going.." I mumble, the feeling of tears pricking at my eyes

He sighed quietly, giving me a small nod and standing up from his chair. I wrapped my hand that was furthers from him around his upper arm, my other hand closest to him holding his hand "hey it's not even two weeks anymore..your birthday must be next weekend right?" He asked while we were walking

"It's on Sunday.." I mumble quietly. It was Saturday, making my birthday a whole 7 days away. "That's exciting..what are you gonna do first?" He asked to try and lighten the mood. I shrugged against him, "I don't know..probably spend the night like last night..minus you and Zay" I replied

He didn't say anything else, just continued walking until we reached the street school was on. Butterfly's fluttered around in my stomach as we turned the corner, Isadora and Zay standing outside the school

I couldn't help my eyes glass over at the sight of them, knowing in a mere few seconds that will be Lucas and I. We came to a stop outside the school, letting go of his arm. He looked to me sadly, "I'll see you soon, okay?" He assured me, pulling his hands out of his jacket pockets and wrapping them tightly around me

I nodded into his side, my tears soaking his hoodie he had on under the coat "I guess.." I mumble barely above a whisper. He let go of my hug, his finger lifted up my chin softly, standing on my tippy toes I leant up and kissed him sweetly for a few seconds

He pulled away too soon, wrapping me in one last small hug before letting go "see you" he held my hand, stepping away from me. I bit down on my lip, giving him a weak smile and watching him and Zay head up the school stairs

Isadora pulled me into a hug, sobbing into her side as I watched them enter through the school doors, lucas took one last look at me crying into her, a sympathetic look on her face. Zay said something to him, putting a hand on his back and gently guiding him into the school..and that was the last we saw of him.

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