Fucking bunnies

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Maya's point of view

I woke up the next day wrapped in Lucas' arms in the hotel room. I smiled to myself, thank god he's alive, there was a point yesterday where I really thought I'd be the one to kill him if he rode it rather then the bull itself

It was sweet what pappy joe did, you know tricking Lucas into winning the money because he knew he could do it, but like what if something had gone wrong? He would be the reason his grandson died

"mmm stop thinking" lucas slurred from beside me. I furrowed my eyebrows "how do you know I'm thinking?" I question confused. He smirked, "because your leg is shaking, it only shakes when your thinking to hard or after we have se-" I cut him off by placing my lips onto his to get him to stop talking

He chuckled, "I have to go out today..is there anything you and the girls might wanna do with Farkle?" He asked. I furrowed my eyebrows "what about you and Zay?" I questioned

"The University recommended for me to visit this clinic they're looking into..Zay is probably gonna go see family" Lucas replied. "A clinic for what?" I asked stupidly. He smiled again, "a vet clinic..?" He looked at me weirdly

"Ohhh right" I widened my eyes, "that's exciting..I'm sure we'll find something to do" I add. Lucas nods, "great" he kissed my nose before sliding out of bed and to the bathroom to shower

I plan what I was gonna wear for the day, switching places with Lucas once he was done. Emerging from the bathroom fully dressed, I wore a neon green lace bodysuit with blue paper bag jeans and my black heeled boots

Lucas' jaw almost dropped to the floor as he looked up to me. His expression changed into a smile, his hands gliding all over my body, turning me around so he could see me from behind "Mhm Mhm Mhm..look at you" he smirked, his eyes staring down at me

I giggled, "wow I'm obsessed" he mumbled, his eyes not moving "eyes up here buddy" I tilted his head up to me. He smirked again, kissing me sweetly, the taste of minty toothpaste swirling between our lips. His hands attached themselves to my hips, guiding me backwards to the bed, lying down as he hovered over me without breaking the kiss

After a few minutes he gave me one last kiss before pushing himself up from me. I pouted, aching under him "No! We have to get going" he smiled down to me. I picked up my phone, checking the time "we still have 40 minutes before we have to leave.." I trailed off, my legs lifting back up to his side, wrapping around his waist

"fuck it" he hissed, reattaching his lips onto me..

"Maya? Are you ready?" Riley's familiar voice knocked at the door of the hotel room. I had just finished touching up my makeup, lucas doing his belt back up and fixing his hair before opening the door

Riley took one look at us before her face screwed up "oh my you two are like fucking bunnies, your gonna have like 20 kids by the time you're thirty" lucas and I chuckled "I'll see you soon" he kissed my forehead, leaving out the hotel room

"So what you want to do today?" I look over to Riley who's expression hadn't changed. She shrugged, "that's what I came to ask you" she replied. "Oh..well I kinda wanted to have a look at the college here.." I trailed off

Riley nodded, "okay well let's go have a look then go get some food?" She suggested. I nodded, grabbing my purse and leaving the hotel room with her. Farkle and Isadora met us down in the lobby, leaving for the college

We walked around the campus, the changing of seasons made it look 10x more beautiful "I like it here" Isadora smiled softly. I nodded "yea I do too" I replied, looking through the window of the library..

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