Girl meets texas

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Third person

It was the following Friday evening, Lucas was on his way over to Maya's apartment, he was dying to see her. A buzzing In his pocket caught his attention, answering the call, he brought the phone to his ear,

"Lucas my boy! It's your pappy joe!" He spoke happily thought the line.

Lucas smiled, "hey pappy joe, how are you?" He asked

"I'm good..look..I know it's out of the blue but I really need your help boy.." he sighed

Lucas frowned "what with?" He questioned

"The farm..we're running out of money..things aren't looking too good..the bull riding rodeo has put up a special offer for $50,000 dollars if you stay on the bull for 10're the best in the family" he explained

"Tombstone? Please don't tell me it's tombstone.." Lucas sighed

Pappy joe chuckled awkwardly, "im afraid it is son..the competition is on Sunday..can you come?" He asked

Lucas contemplated for a few seconds, "Yea I'll come..see you soon"

He reached maya's apartment door, knocking and waiting a few seconds for her to open the door. Her smile lit up the room once the door flew open, "finally!" She squealed, latching herself onto him.

Lucas chuckled, taken aback by her excitement "I'm happy to see you too" he laughed. Maya got off him, leading him through the empty house to her bedroom, climbing back into her bed where she previously lay

"What's wrong?" She asked him, propping herself up from the bed "nothings wrong? What makes you think that?" He chuckled nervously, taking off his coat and shoes

Maya looked to him with raised eyebrows, "because I know you..what's going on?" She questioned her boyfriend. Lucas sighed "I'm going to Texas on Sunday" he replied

Maya frowned "for how long?" She asked curiously. He shrugged, "a few days pappy joe called me, said that his farm is struggling with money, so he wants me to come do this competition to win the grand prize" he stated

Maya smirked "what is it some bull riding competition or something?" She laughed. Lucas looked to her without replying, her face turning serious "oh my god you're going to ride a bull" she whispered, a small smile creeping on her face

"But what about that bank account? Remember you said there's enough for a house in there..why don't you just give him the money?" She asked confused. "Because my father will never allow me to do that, him and pappy joe aren't on the best terms. They haven't been since the divorce years'll be's only for 10 seconds" lucas shrugged

"Well can I come? To watch?" She perked up. Lucas looked to her confused, "you'd want to go to Texas?" He questioned. She nodded, "Yea! Go and see where you grew up, your childhood. The group can all come and we'll have a little holiday" she smirked

Lucas smiled softly "okay..sure" he kissed his girlfriend gently. "I'm so excited! Get to miss school! Oh I have to tell the girls! You're gonna ride a bull, win some money, help your pappy joe, then we have fun!" She squealed

"If I'm alive" lucas mumbled humorously under his breath. Maya's eyebrows creased into a line "w-what do you mean? A sheep won't kill you they're harmless" she laughed.

"Maya a bull and a sheep aren't the same thing..a bull is an aggressive male cow, they throw you around and you have to hold on..people die from it every year, especially tombstone" he informed the blonde

"Don't tell me you're riding this tombstone..what If you get hurt? That's not worth it for a bit of money!" She protested, anger coursing though her veins. "Don't'll all be fine. And you'll be there with me, I know I'll be okay.." he assured his girlfriend, swallowing the nervous lump in his throat..

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