Remembrance bench

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"Maya baby's time to get up" My mom spoke softly as she came into my room the day of the remembrance. I groaned, sitting up from my safe, cozy sheets and getting out of bed "you can come straight home don't have to stay at school" she smiled kindly before leaving the room

I searched through my wardrobe not knowing what to wear. I ended up wearing black ripped jeans, a David Bowie vintage T-shirt with a huge teddy bear jacket that went all the way down to my knees with heels to make it look like I put in more of an effort.

The rest of the morning dragged on, my stomach churned every second and my body grew chills with every other step I took toward the school. I met Riley, Farkle and Isadora outside the gates, they stood there with the similar, awkward expression on their faces.

It's a hard one because we didn't really know any of the students..they weren't our friends and yet I'm getting asked to write a speech about them.

"Hi guys" I smiled quietly as I approached them "let's get this over with" Riley mumbled, turning around to the school doors and heading inside. We all followed, going to the gym and sitting on the stands around the court.

The gym filled up with people slowly, friends and families closer to the passed students sat nearer the front, being part of the action. Everyone was almost silent, the school spirit completely disappearing

I buried my head in my hands, reciting the words of the speech that I finally managed to produce over and over again. "Hello students of John Adams we are here to celebrate, remember, and treasure the memories of honourable students of our school" The principal spoke from the podium situated in the middle of the gym, all the staff sat in chairs to the side of him

"Two weeks ago, the history department was sent out to the mount sun lodge in Philadelphia to watch the changing of seasons, to see what life is like outside of New York. However a few days in to the trip, a horrendous fire broke out through the lodge, the building collapsing about 15 minutes after the fire started. We are thankful that so many of our students were able to safely get out from the building, some brave enough to help others. Unfortunately not everyone did, and those are who we are here to remember today" he spoke, tears and sniffles filling the gym.

"We have created a remembrance bench, with each students name engraved into it. Here you can share memories, learn and help out each other in a moment of need. The bench is located outside the history department, so that you can smile at your fellow students while passing the bench" he added.

He kept talking for a few more minutes before one of the other teachers went up and gave a speech, she was on the trip. "We are now going to hear from fellow students who were on the trip" the principal stated, i sucked in a deep breath "please welcome Maya Hart" he finished.

Riley gave my knee a squeeze before I stood up, stepping carefully down the bleachers and toward the principal, Mr Matthews and the other teachers on the trip. I shook the principals hand, then hugged the teachers before standing in front of the podium

I sucked in another deep breath, my eyes trailing over the many sad faces sat in front of me. Hundreds of students sat silently waiting for me to start, my eyes drifted over to the right where a group of boys sat, the blood draining from my face

The UCLA college boys who were on the trip sat in the corner of the bleachers, Lucas gave me a small nod as if he was saying to start. My eyes quickly darted away from him back to my friends who also looked at me sympathetically.

Okay maya, you can do this.

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