Riptide (pt. 3)

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A/N: TW! Mentions of domestic violence
Percy shushed me, tipping my chin up with his fingers so I could meet his eyes. "It's not your fault. You didn't blow up your apartment, Kronos did."

"I don't know when he'll make the final stand."

Percy's gaze was intense as he muttered, "But I will do everything in my power to defend my city."

He wanted this. He wanted me.

"I'm all in Seaweed Brain. The drama, the danger, the risk, we'll deal with it when it happens. I want all of it. I want you." I leaned in slowly, fluttering my eyes closed as he met me halfway.

"I'm yours, I'm yours, I'm yours," he whispered in between kisses. I repeated it back to him earnestly.

Everything we had gone through was so worth it to have this. This sacred thing, for only me and him. Wise Girl and Seaweed Brain, living happily ever after.
"Good morning!"

I groaned as I rolled from my side onto my back, squeezing my eyes shut against the sudden onslaught of yellow light flooding my room. The distinct smell of waffles wafted through the air, and coupled with the cheery voice, I knew immediately who it was without even opening my eyes. I'd always know him.

"What the fuck, Percy," I moaned, splaying a forearm over my eyes to further block out the light. "How did you even get in here?"

"You gave me a key yesterday, silly," he quipped, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Frowning, I cracked open an eye at him, squinting. "I said that was for emergencies, Seaweed Brain."

Percy, for his part, just smiled even brighter at me. "Yeah, and this one was dire."

I allowed my gaze to stray to the tray he was holding. There was a vase of sunflowers- my favorite- aside a plate of steaming blue waffles (also my favorite) topped with a dollop of whipped cream, a bowl of fresh berries, and a cup of coffee to finish it all off. I was trying really hard to act pissed, but really, my heart warmed at the thought of Percy working to bring me breakfast in bed.

"Oh really?" I questioned, deciding to indulge him.

Percy nodded like a toddler hyped up on Halloween candy. "Yup," he replied, smiling that adorable smile of his. "Happy one year anniversary Wise Girl."

I grabbed my phone off my bedside stand, checking the date. Sure enough, it was August 18th. A lot had changed in a year.

To back it up, Percy and I hadn't officially started dating after the kiss in his apartment. We'd decided to wait it out a little bit- testing the waters, you could say- until finally, Percy's birthday had rolled along about a week later.

"So, what'd you wish for, Seaweed Brain?"

Percy contemplated the question for a second, staring at the blue, brick-like cupcake I'd made him like it held the answer. Then, he looked up at me and smiled softly.


It'd been the talk of the office for weeks afterward, which made returning to work a bit awkward. Piper, of course, was absolutely livid that she wasn't the first person to find out, but I got back at her when I walked in on her and Jason in a pretty intense makeout session in the copy room ("I knew you guys were boning!" "Shut up, Annabeth."). Apparently that had been going on for six months; they were engaged now, and both of them were aware of Percy's alter ego as Riptide.

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