Dark Annabeth

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It was hot, and golden dust was flying everywhere. Annabeth's breathing and the ringing of metal against metal resonated deep in her ears, but all she could focus on was the same rhythm. Duck, swing, roll, swing. Repeat. Her bangs swept into her face from time to time, but all she could do was focus on staying alive.

Finally, she slayed the last monster in front of her, and turned around, expecting a new wave. The battle with Gaea was ongoing, and they had lost many demigods from both camps, but they were determined to win. Rather than being greeted with more monsters to kill, Annabeth was met with the worst thing she'd ever seen.

Kelli, that empousa, had managed to revive from Tartarus just in time for the final battle. That wasn't what horrified Annabeth though. It was Kelli, sinking her talons deep into Percy's chest as he grimaced and tried feebly to swat her away.

"Percy!" Annabeth cried, her whole body going cold. Even from this distance, Annabeth could feel it. He was dead.

Kelli snarled at him one more time, then turned around, meeting Annabeth's gaze. She smirked, baring her fangs, and right then and there, something inside Annabeth broke, and all she could see was red.

Stalking across the battlefield, Annabeth twisted her bone dagger around in her hands. Monsters charged at her from every which direction, but Annabeth barely flinched as she flicked her wrist and killed them all instantly. Kelli began to try to run away, and dare she say it, but she actually enjoyed seeing the look of fear in her eyes. There was an odd feeling rising in Annabeth's chest, and she couldn't pinpoint it; all she knew was that Kelli was going to be very sorry.

With tons of slain monster dust coating her hair and clothing, Annabeth reached Kelli, and let every torn emotion inside of her break loose.

Annabeth's hand jerked out and grabbed Kelli's hair, twisting it around her hand like a whip. Yanking her like a dog, Annabeth could only hear her heartbeat roaring like the ocean in her ears as Kelli whimpered while Annabeth dragged her across the battlefield, slaying any monsters that dared to charge with only one hand.

Kelli kicked and thrashed, making Annabeth yank her again and growl, "Come here, bitch."

Somewhere inside of her, Annabeth registered that Kelli was screaming for dear life, but it didn't matter to her. Finally, Annabeth got Kelli back to where she wanted her: right next to Percy's body.

Tossing her down like a rag doll, Annabeth clambered on top of her, using her knees to secure Kelli's arms to her side, and pressing her dagger into Kelli's neck deep enough to draw a thin line of blood.

"I am going to make you suffer," Annabeth spat out. Her voice sounded foreign to her own ears. "I will make you feel pain like you have never felt it before."

Kelli screeched, giving futile attempts to crawl out from underneath Annabeth, but she was sturdy and strong. "Please," she begged, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Please, she made me. Please don't kill me!"

Annabeth laughed humorlessly, then sneered, "You think I care? Don't beg me for mercy, you pathetic wench."

Annabeth gripped Kelli's chin in her hand and turned her to face Percy's lifeless eyes. Blood was dribbling from his mouth, and there was another pool of it underneath him. Annabeth leaned down to where Kelli's ear was exposed.

"You think you know fear? I wonder if you'll revive in Tartarus after what I'm going to do to you."

Kelli's ear piercing scream was the last thing Annabeth registered before she unleashed her pain.

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