And They Were Roommates

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It started out like this.

Grover, Annabeth, and Percy had only been living in their apartment for about a year now. It was a nice, three bedroom place relatively close to campus on an upper floor that gave a nice view of the street and the surrounding buildings, and their landlord was somewhat decent- decent meaning Mr. D actually didn't give a shit about anything as long as they paid their rent on time, which they did. It really helped that Percy's biological dad was rich and related to Mr. D and that Annabeth's dad gave her money to cover up his guilt for her shitty childhood, but he digressed.

Grover came home early from class one day, expecting no one to be home. It was, after all, mid-afternoon and both Percy and Annabeth had classes today. So imagine his surprise when he finished making his green juice smoothie and the door to Percy's room opened.



Grover yanked out an earbud. "Annabeth?!"

"Grover!" Annabeth yelled back, tugging the bottom of her— no, Percy's shirt down lower. She was always wearing those these days. There was a thump from inside Percy's room. "What are you doing home so early?"

Grover shrugged. "My prof dismissed us early today, something about surprising his wife. What about you, what brings you home so early?"

Annabeth looked like a deer caught in the headlights. "Oh, you know. Girl stuff." She twirled a curl around her pointer finger.

"Ooohhhh," Grover replied. Girl stuff was Annabeth's code for just don't ask about my period. He felt bad for her. "What were you doing in Percy's room? And what was that noise?"

Annabeth blushed beet red. "Oh! Um, yes, that. I was um, looking for— looking for my pencil! Myyyy lucky pencil that Percy stole from me and took to his room and I really wanted it back, so I went to check and knocked something over on accident, but it wasn't there!"

Grover jumped a little, wondering why she was rambling and why she felt the need to yell the last part. Her ADHD must have been acting up today.

"Man, that sucks. Hey, do you know when Percy's coming home? I want to know what he wants for dinner."

Annabeth blushed even more somehow. "You know what? I actually have no idea."

Grover scrunched up his face. "Really? Don't you guys usually carpool from your last class today?"

"Yes," Annabeth answered slowly. "I-I just forgot what time that usually is, that's all. Let me check my calendar okay?"

"Your calendar?"

"Yup!" Annabeth was already turned on her heel and five feet away.

Just as she entered her room, across the hall from Percy's, he got a text from Juniper. "Hey, Juniper got out of her class early too so I'm just going to head over to hers for now, okay?"

"Sounds good!" Annabeth called out.

Grover gathered up his messenger bag and his keys, his smoothie in the other hand. Maybe he'd drop by the store on the way home, get some Midol for Annabeth. She seemed really flustered, so her period must have been really bad today.
The next inkling that something was off was at dinner.

Most nights they tried to have dinner together, usually with Grover or Percy cooking since Annabeth could barely boil water without setting off the fire alarm. Usually when Percy was at the gym conditioning for swimming late at night, he and Annabeth would just order take out, but tonight was one of those nights where they were all home. Percy had made lasagna, one for him and Annabeth, and a vegetarian version for Grover. It was times like these that he was so grateful for his friends.

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