A Small Piece of You

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Annabeth juggled the bag of food she carried in her arm as she struggled to twist the key in the door with her other hand. Percy had called her last night and left a voicemail since she was at work and couldn't pick up. She could barely even make out what he was saying; he was was so frantic, but nonetheless, being the good girlfriend she was, she'd gone to the store and picked up some soup and his favorite candy and chips to make him feel better.

Annabeth breathed with relief as she finally cracked open the door to Percy's apartment.

"Seaweed Brain?" she called out, using her foot to shut the door behind her. There was no answer, which meant he was in his room sulking. Annabeth shook her head and took out a pot to begin preparing his soup.

After nearly burning the soup and melting the pot, Annabeth spooned the food into Percy's favorite bowl- a ceramic one covered in little labradors that Sally had bought for him. Making her way down the hallway, Annabeth nudged Percy's bedroom open with her hip, balancing the soup precariously to ensure it didn't spill.

To say Percy was a mess would've been an understatement. He was huddled in bed, covered up in his blankets like a human burrito. His hair looked like it hadn't been washed in days, and his skin had turned an ashen gray in the dim lighting of his room, where all the blinds had been shut. Worst of all, his sea green eyes were filled with grief and he simply stared ahead at the wall before him absentmindedly.

Annabeth sighed, bracing herself, and walked over to where he lay. Setting down the soup carefully on his bedside table, Annabeth dipped into the side of the bed, facing Percy.

"How are you?" Annabeth spoke softly.

"I feel like shit," Percy rasped, laughing humorlessly. "I miss her so much."

His eyes caught sight of the bowl, and his eyes watered up immediately. Annabeth bit back a groan as she realized she shouldn't have brought the bowl Sally bought.

"She's dead," Percy moaned, "and she's not coming back. Did you know when people die they don't come back? They're just gone, forever."

Annabeth rubbed Percy's arm, trying to comfort him as best she could, but she didn't really know what to say. She'd never had the experience of loving someone that much when she was younger.

"I know Percy, and I know it hurts a lot. Mrs. O'Leary was more than just a dog to you; she was a small piece of you."

Percy sniffled and looked at Annabeth with watery, red-rimmed eyes. "I miss hearing her feet while she was running into my room, and I miss feeling her climb into bed with me even though she's not allowed. I miss everything about her."

Annabeth nodded. "I know you do Percy, but you did what was best for her by putting her down. She didn't have to suffer anymore and if she were here right now, she'd be nudging you out of bed because she wants you to feel better."

Percy grabbed her hand and pulled her into the sheets with him. She pressed a kiss to his temple as he spoke from the crook of her neck. "Can you just stay with me? It'll make me feel better."

Annabeth lowered herself so she could look into Percy's eyes. Pressing a kiss to his lips, she replied, "I'll always stay with you Seaweed Brain."

A month later, Annabeth and Sally bought Percy a pit bull named Blackjack for his birthday. He cried, and Annabeth knew he'd be alright.

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