Sorry Would Go a Long Way (Rewritten)

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The call came on a Friday afternoon in September. It was a perfect day, sunny skies with a slight breeze keeping things cool. College kids were milling about, and the sweet aroma of coffee drifted from a nearby café. Annabeth was walking around campus, hand-in-hand with Percy, when her phone began to buzz in her bag.

"Percy," Annabeth chuckled, "let go I need to get this."

Percy whined and pouted playfully. "It can't be that important Wise Girl. Important enough to let go of my hand?"

Annabeth rolled her eyes and smacked his shoulder lightly as she released her hold on him. She nearly missed the call digging through all the junk in her bag. Peering at the screen for a split second, Annabeth could see that it was Helen calling before she hit the accept call button.

"Hello?" Annabeth asked, wondering what could be making Helen call her at such an odd hour. It was late afternoon in sunny old California.

All Annabeth could make out on the other end was hysterical crying and sniffles. Annabeth's chest began to tighten as she ran through all the possibilities in her head.

"Helen, I need you to speak a little more clearly," Annabeth recited slowly. Percy shot her a concerned look as she walked away to get some more space. "What's wrong?"

Helen sniffled on the other end and gasped, "Something bad. Oh god, something— something terrible."

"Helen, you're not making any sense. What happened?"

"Annabeth your father had a serious stroke. He's been hospitalized. The doctors said they don't even know if he'll make it through the night." The last bit was rushed as Helen began to sob again.

Annabeth felt her heart drop into her stomach and her knees fall to the floor.
Annabeth woke up just as her flight landed in SFO. She'd quickly explained the situation to Percy, then hurried home to pack a suitcase before heading out on the first flight to California. She thanked her lucky stars that Percy was so understanding and that she was done with classes for the day.

Helen had attempted to argue her way into picking her up from the airport, but Annabeth insisted she stay at the hospital with her dad and the boys, meaning she had to arrange her own ride to the hospital. Weaving her way through throngs of people moving about like zombies, Annabeth found her luggage and wheeled her way out of the doors, then caught the next bus with a stop near the hospital.

Annabeth's heart was pounding as she exited the bus, muttering a quiet "Thank you" to the driver before walking into the lobby of the hospital. A stroke? As far as Annabeth was concerned, her father was in perfect health— or at least, in pretty good health.

Annabeth steeled herself and took in a deep breath as she approached the front desk. The receptionist was a petite blond woman with a name tag reading Mellie. She looked like the type of person who called everyone "hun."

"Excuse me," Annabeth rushed out, chewing her lip anxiously. Mellie looked up from her computer and smiled at her brightly.

"Hi honey, what can I do for you?" She had a slight Southern tinge to her voice, Annabeth noted.

"Um, I'm here to see a Frederick Chase. He was admitted today." The end of all of Annabeth's sentences had a lilt to them, like she was questioning everything she said.

Mellie scrunched up her eyebrows and blew a couple strands of hair out of her face as she click clacked on her fancy keyboard. "Okay honey, he's going to be in Room 213 for you." Her blue eyes creased at the corners as she flashed Annabeth another pearly white smile.

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