"Since when did you turn into a big softie," I teased and he rolled his eyes with a smirk.

"You tell anyone about this and we're gonna have issues, Greene," he chuckled.

"You say that as if they don't already know I have you wrapped around my finger," I smiled, holding up my pointer finger in front of his face.

"It's very unfortunate," he reached up with his other hand and entangled his fingers in mine, leaning forward and gently pressing his lips to mine.

"For me. I can't seem to get you to leave me alone," I teased as he pulled away.

"Says you, little miss 'please stay the night with me, the bed feels empty without you'," he narrowed his eyes, those sharp lips quirking upwards in a mischievous smirk.

"Hey. That was a moment of weakness," I playfully corrected him.

"Really? That's what you're going with?" He raised one of his underarched brows at me as he poured water into a kettle and set it on his stove.

"You have a better idea?" I snapped back.

"You missed me," his lips curled into a satisfied smile that reminded me of the Cheshire Cat.

"That's a dangerous accusation there, Mr. Grey," I folded my arms across my chest and sat back in the barstool.

"As in Christian? Gotta say, I still appreciate his style," I nearly choked on my own spit as he spoke, recalling back to organic chemistry when I'd first met him and he'd embarrassed Dr. Turner in front of her entire class.

"You are evil," I sneered, but the wide grin on my lips gave away my faltering resolve.

"Born and raised, baby," he playfully winked at me as the kettle began to whistle and he poured hot tea into two of his grey ceramic mugs. He leaned over the kitchen island, handing mine to me.

"What kind?" I asked as he took a sip.

"Take a guess," he hummed.

"Knowing you- earl grey," I narrowed my eyes and the curl of his lips signaled my correct response. He was so full of himself it was funny.

"Can I ask why you chose the name Grey? When you Fell?" I hummed softly, taking a sip of the warm tea.

"There's a few reasons. First of all, my wings. I was one of the first Angels to fall, and I didn't know that all Angels who fell got grey wings, so I liked that aspect. Also, my job. Death- well at least I view it as neither good nor bad. It's just something that has to happen. Sometimes it's upsetting and people grieve, sometimes it's a welcome friend and people share joy in either knowing that a terrible person got what they deserved or that the person they cared about is no longer is pain. I don't think I was ever meant to have white wings, just like I wasn't meant to have black. Death can't be something attributed to Heaven or Hell, or to good or bad. It's just- it's grey," he explained.

I paused for a moment, trying to soak it all in. When I'd first met him, I thought it had been short for something- like Greyson. Then I thought he had just picked it for his wings- which I guess was partially right. But I never really thought about why Grey was just- it was who he was.

"Also I mean, my morals are only so-so," he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"They're getting better," I teased and he hummed a 'hmph' in response, taking another drink.

"What did you think about what God had said about returning to school?" I asked quietly, eyeing him as I took another drink.

"Why would you want to when we have a war coming up? Wouldn't you rather stay home? With me? Safe? Training?" Grey mumbled back, icy eyes flicking back and forth between mine.

"Well I get her point about how maintaining a state of normalcy might be nice, and also how getting intel from the humans without being suspicious might be helpful," I shrugged.

"They're gonna know," he clenched his jaw a little, leaning down onto the countertop.

"Know what?" I frowned.

"That you're not human. You knew I wasn't, that Lucifer wasn't. You knew something was off. Allison did too. And I'd bet anything Makenna did as well," Grey replied coolly and I tried not to wince at Makenna's name. I'd never mourned her death properly. Even though she was a difficult friend at best, she had cared for me and had ended up dying because of me. I hadn't seen her in Heaven, which meant she definitely hadn't become an Angel. I hoped that I had just missed her ghostly soul amongst the millions that floated aimlessly around the streets of Heaven. I didn't want to believe that she could've gone to Hell. She was selfish sometimes, but she didn't deserve Hell.

"So what do I do?" I huffed.

"What do we do, you mean?" He corrected quickly.

"We? You want to come?" I raised an eyebrow slowly and he nodded, a lock of his midnight hair falling down across his eyes.

"There's no way in Hell I'd let you wander around a college campus looking like that alone. And yes- I am perfectly aware you could rip anybody to shreds in a second. But you're mine," he hummed softly, his eyes illuminating a fluorescent blue as he spoke the last two words. 

"I almost forgot how territorial you get," I sighed with a roll of my eyes.

"They're weak, slimy little things at this age. I don't want them getting anywhere close to you- boy or girl. And you're polite and don't want to be rude, so you'd let them," he grumbled.

"I would not!" I shot back and he gave me a stern look. "Ok so I wouldn't be rude."

"Exactly. And I don't have an issue being rude. So if you're going, I'm going," he said with finality, taking my empty cup from my hands and washing it out in the sink before placing it in the dishwasher.

Who knew Azrael, the mighty Archangel of Death, could be so domestic? It was like watching a tiger on steroids play with a yarn ball and purr like a house cat.

"I'd like to go," I murmured and heard a heavy intake of breath from him, watched his muscular back expand and contract through his shirt. He turned around, folding his thick arms across his bulging chest.

"Alright. I'll get it arranged. In the meantime, why don't you go take a quick shower and I'll make some dinner," he said softly, his eyes once again the cool icy blue.

"Yes sir," I mock saluted him and slid out of the barstool, padding over to him and giving him a quick peck on the lips before heading upstairs towards his bedroom.

It was just as I'd remembered. Grey sheets, a large window overlooking the forest and a bay a little further out. The room still smelled like him- ocean, leather, black currant. I couldn't stop myself from inhaling deeply the moment I'd stepped into the room.

I knew that everything would likely change from here, and I didn't know if we would both survive the Reckoning. But I was so thankful for days like this, for every single moment I got to spend with him. Because regardless of the quantity of time I got with Grey, it made me happy enough to have been an eternity.


hope you enjoyed this little baby chap with some cute Greydan scenes. Little insight into Grey. I love him. I love him so much. Him and Rhysand from ACOTAR. Fuck I love Rhysand. Like mush these two boys together and boom


Anyways. Hope you all are doing okay and are staying happy, healthy, and safe during these trying times. Tell the people you love that you love them. We never know how long they're with us.

Stay safe and I love you all SO MUCH


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