Chapter 10

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Suriel had finished patching up my wing and placed it in a sling, stating that I'd have to keep my wings out for the next few days while it healed. I had been annoyed with that, as they were cumbersome and difficult to deal with when I wasn't flying. The things were massive.

The entire time Suriel had been working on my wing, Grey lurked in the corner of the room, watching us beneath those under-arched brows. When I had cried out in pain when Suriel had reset the bone, Grey had let out a fierce growl that had goosebumps rising on my skin. He was so pissy today. I wondered if it was because of our conversation last night- our kiss last night.

Allison had refused to talk to me after Grey had used his smite on her, and stood by the windows the whole time Suriel worked on my wing, basically ignoring my existence. So that was great.

"Alright, you should be good to go. Depending on your soul's power, your wing should be healed within the next 48-72 hours. Given your strength, I'd lean more towards 48. You might need some help getting around, given how off balance you're going to be until it heals," Suriel explained softly, eyeing Grey.

"I've got it," Grey mumbled lowly, pushing his back off the wall and strolling over to the bedside. He outstretched a hand and I looked up at him, taking it in mine as he pulled me up onto my feet.

"Thank you, Suriel," I offered him a tight smile, casting a sideways glance at Allison as we walked towards the door. She didn't look my way.

Grey held the door for me as I limped out into the hallway, using the wall for support. My uninjured wing was curled tightly to my back, but my injured one had to be cast slightly out and downwards so the bone would heal correctly. This made it feel like walking with a 50 pound weight in one hand and nothing in the other. I felt lopsided.

"I gotcha, hold on," Grey huffed, closing the door behind us and wrapping a steel arm around my waist, balancing me.

"You don't have to do this, you know. I'm sure Ravenna or Siena or Barachiel wouldn't mind taking turns. I'm not- you don't have to take care of me anymore," I pursed my lips slightly, my eyes downcast as we shuffled down the hallway towards the elevator.

"Don't be ridiculous," he grumbled, helping me into the elevator by angling me diagonally so I'd fit.

"I'm not. I'm not your girlfriend anymore. That makes me not your problem," I retorted with a huff.

"I like you being my problem," he replied coolly, leaning back against the steel walls of the elevator and watching me. I could feel his eyes grazing over my injured wing, a little squeeze of guilt radiating off of him as he stared.

"Now you're being ridiculous. Just let someone else help me. Siena acts like my mother 99% of the time anyways, Ravenna is such a softie she would be over here in a heartbeat, and Barachiel has dealt with his fair share of injuries, I'm sure he'd be great help," I explained.

"Do you seriously think Barachiel could take better care of you than I could? Or Siena? Ravenna?" Grey asked with a slight chuckle to his dark voice.

"I dunno, you've never had to take care of me before," I shrugged.

"That's your own fault. You don't like being taken care of," he snickered as the doors opened on my floor. He helped me shuffle out of the doors and we resumed our lilted gait down the hallway.

"I didn't realize I had to ask," I mumbled back.

"One time, you hissed at me for opening the car door for you," Grey chuckled.

"I have working arms," I narrowed my eyes playfully.

"My point is, you love being independent. I never wanted to take that from you. But I would've taken care of you, had you wanted me to," he sighed, holding the door to my apartment open for me as I shuffled inside.

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