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I sat on the windowsill gazing up at the stars. I had a book in my lap and a small blanket over my shoulders so I wouldn't get cold. I had on my long silk white nightgown with baby blue details all over, my hair was braided and fell down my back.

The stars were gorgeous and I remember how I would call them my friends. Due to how I was treated in the past, I never had anybody to call a friend so when I was little I would call the stars my friends.

A friend in my eyes was somebody who is there for you whether you are happy or sad, in the worst or best mood, or any time you needed somebody to hold onto.

The stars were there for me. When I would cry after my father would hit me, when I would keep my mouth shut after my mother called me the horrid of names, and when my brother would get drunk and take out all his anger and jealousy out on me.

When I was little I would name them. I knew show was how by how bright each one was, and I would wonder why some died out.

"Elise, what are you doing?"

I looked over my shoulder to see Alexander barely a wake in the large bed we shared. It was incredibly late, well to be accurate early, and I should be asleep but I just couldn't bring myself to do so.

I have learned that Alexander is a very light sleeper and is always up before me. He looked barely awake before rubbing the sleep from his eyes and getting up. He wore some trousers to sleep and that was it.

"I couldn't sleep," I said and wrapped the blanket around myself a little tighter as the wind picked up.

He walked over and put a hand on my shoulder which was covered by the blanket.

"Elise, go to sleep," he said emotionless. He wasn't annoyed but not upset, but he did care.

"Alexander, what are your thoughts on children?" I  asked. I don't know why I did but i just wanted to know.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked looking over some papers.

"Well no but I feel this is a topic that we should talk about, and plan," I said.

"We will talk when you are pregnant, which you aren't," he said not even looking at me.

"But Alexander, we should plan and discuss this," I said putting my book to the side and facing him, but still sitting on the windowsill.

"Well what do you want to talk about?" He asked annoyed as he dropped his papers onto the table and faced me.

"How many girls you want, how many boys, how many children?" I asked thinking to myself of what I wanted.

"From my experience, princesses only cause problems so a son that's it," he said and returned to his papers.

Only one son, no daughters or any more children. I understand that his sister caused many problems but not all princesses are the same. A son is expected and it's my job as queen to give him one but only one?

"Well I want lots of children. Maybe two of each, that would be nice," I said looking back at the stars.

"No," Alexander said without a second to go by.

"But, why? A single child would get lonely by themself, and I've always wanted a little girl," I said walking up to Alexander and putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Elise, I'm done discussing this now got to bed. You know I don't like to repeat myself," Alexander said and removed my hand and went over to the bed.

I laid for what felt like forever until sleep took over my body. I never felt more alone in a room with someone else before.

When I woke up I saw my maids getting things ready for me. I just wanted to sleep but apparently that was not an option.

They curled my hair and put some up in a bun while the rest fell off my shoulders, and very neutral makeup.

The dress was gorgeous and made my mood go up a little

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The dress was gorgeous and made my mood go up a little. I still remember the discussion Alexander and I had, which I'm still upset about.

I left my room and ate with Bethany, who I'm surprised is still here. Alexander was so set on getting her out of the castle as quickly as possible.

"So?" She questioned me.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Have you kept up your side of the deal?" She asked me and I completely forgot about that, which she probably caught from the look on my face.

"From the redness and surprised look on your face, I'm guessing that's a no," she said and set he napkin down.

"Look, I met my word and told you what you wanted to know, I expect the same from you," Bethany said and stormed off.

I got up and knew she was right. She kept her word and I owe her enough to keep mine.

I went to Alexander's office looking for him, who was not there, nor was he in the throne room so now I go to see if he is in the bedroom.

I knocked and a come in was heard from the other side. I entered and saw Alexander at his desk doing paperwork.

"What is it Elise?" He asked and focused on his papers.

"Well, I was hoping you were not too busy for me," I said and took a seat on one of the chairs.

He looked up with a questionable expression, he was curious as to why I cane to him because this was something I usually wouldn't do.

"And to what does my dear wife want?" He asked and leaned back in his chair crossing his arms.

I told myself in my head over and over again that I can do this as I made my way over to him.

I put my arms around his neck and my face just inches from his as I leaned to his ear to whisper.

"Take a guess, my king,"

Suddenly, I was pulled down and onto his lap. I gripped onto Alexander's shirt and felt his muscular body through the thin fabric.

He began to untie my dress from the back as he kisses my neck roughly. Once it was untied it fell to the floor as he lifted me up on the desk.

I laid down next to Alexander in the bed, my hand rested on his chest with his arm around me and both of us wearing absolutely nothing.

"Alexander?" I asked drawing random patterns on his chest with my finger.

"What is it, my dear?"

"Please, don't be cruel to your sister. If she is willing to marry any suitor if your choosing them a deal can be made, if not then that is her decision," I said looking up for an answer.

"Fine, but this is her last chance," he said.

I just rested there knowing that Bethany has a chance.

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