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I followed her back to Alexander and I's room. I sat down at the table with my hands in my lap, I was nervous and this woman scared me. I wonder if I can get Alexander to give me a different teacher?

"We will learn about manners toward your husband today," She spoke and walked back and forth behind me.

"If your husband is in need, starving for only the love you can give him, what do you do?" She asked, I could hear someone walk in, maybe more, and it sounded as if they were carrying something.

"Ummm...well...," I didn't know how to answer. This was a personal question that I would, if I knew how, rather not answer.

Then I felt pain shoot through my shoulder. I jumped from the pain and stepped away from that woman. She was holding a long type of stick, and when I looked at my shoulder to see a red line it caused me more pain.

"Answer correctly," she said and turned towards the other 2 woman that came in. One was holding a bucket of water, the other holding bandages, rags, and an assortment of medicines. They felt I would need that after this lesson, I could see they wanted no part in this.

My teacher grabbed something out of that bucket. It was a metal rod, sharp and covered in extremely hot water.

"The king, my husband, will be furious if you hurt me any further," I said backing away from this crazy woman.

"I have taught many royals in my lifetime, they all came out perfect, married women. Ends justify the means, now answer," the woman said and one of the female servants was silently crying. I looked at her and gestured to the door. I knew there were guards outside, I hope she got the hint.

When I didn't answer she threw her arm up ready to swing. She brought it down with a lot of force, aiming for my other, unscarred shoulder.

I put my hands up for protection, grabbing it instead of it coming down on me. I felt tears fill my eyes as the pain from how sharp and hot the rod was. I could feel my hand begin to bleed, holding on.

She was ripped away from me and I collapsed on the ground. I saw the woman also on the ground but being held by her neck by none other than Alexander.

3 guards came running in with the one girl behind them. She came up and began using those rags and medicines to help my wounds. She was gentle and paid no attention to Alexander as he held that old, crazy woman down by her neck.

"I want her in the dungeons, now." Alexander said harshly throwing her to the ground.

The guards grabbed her and took her to the dungeons. Alexander looked at me, I looked back at him with gratitude.

"I'll be back, do not leave this room. Make sure she is taken care of." He said to the girl helping my wounds.

I was taken care of, my shoulder was red but she said it wouldn't scar. My hands would have a giant scar across both because of how deep the blade went.

Alexander walked in and everyone in the room bowed before leaving.

"I leave for one day and you manage to nearly get killed," he said crossing his arms, I couldn't really read his expression.

"It wasn't my fault," I said hoping he wasn't upset with me.

"I know, but I hired a new teacher for you. A guard will always be present during your lessons." He explained and I nodded with a small smile, he cared for me more than he was letting on.

"And stay away from that staircase you tried to go down," he said fixing some papers on the desk.

I was shocked. How could he know about what I did today, I mean I guess he could have asked the guards.

"Darling, I don't think you know how much power I truly have. I have eyes and ears everywhere you go. I know about what you did in the garden with those little girls, how you roamed the castle leading you to that staircase, and your lesson. If you think you can do whatever while I'm gone, as if I'm not here, then your surely mistaken." Alexander explained as he got on the bed and trapped me underneath him.

His arms were on either side of my head, and his body hovered over mine as he was on his knees.

"I would never.." I said quietly shaking my head.

"I know but nonetheless, take this conversation as a warning, if the thought ever comes to mind." He said and kissed me.

The kiss was rough as both of us fought for dominance. He won of course, only leading to the kiss increasing speed. I gripped on to his arms, my hands still hurt and I wanted to pull back from the stinging but I couldn't.

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