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I woke up and saw Alexander next to me. He usually is up and about by now, but I know for a fact he goes to sleep so late. Sadly, he always gets up so early meaning he doesn't get much sleep. No good king does.

I let him sleep while I got up and stretched. I sat in front of the vanity and brushed my hair, getting all nots out.

"Your maids will be here soon to get you ready." I heard and turned around to see Alexander getting dressed.

"Good morning to you as well," I said and continued to brush my hair.

"Again do everything I say and you will be fine." He said and went to the bathroom to finish getting ready.

When I finished my hair I began looking for a dress to wear. It was hard since I didn't know the event. I decided on my green one. It had gold trim with long sleeves, bit more on the conservative side but still beautiful.

 It had gold trim with long sleeves, bit more on the conservative side but still beautiful

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Alexander left and my maids came in. They did my makeup a gold color to match my dress. My hair was put up in a tight bun. My gold crown matched the dress perfectly, I looked amazing.

I left the room to go to the throne room, knowing Alexander was there waiting for me. I made my way there but today felt off, empty and quiet.

I was in the throne room to see Alexander sitting on his throne. Once he saw me he stood, waving off the advisors around him.

"We must leave now," Alexander said and walked away. I followed him, but I was now scared. I had no idea of the event we were going to, but the mood of the castle and people told me it was not one to be excited about.

We entered one of the golden carriages. I went in first, Alexander offering me his hand to help. I accepted and stepped inside. Alexander followed.

"Is your sister joining us?" I asked.

"No," was all he said.

When the carriage came to a stop and the door opened I couldn't believe it. Millions of people crowded around, most likely the entire kingdom.

We made our way to 2 thrones, they were not as glorious as the ones in the castle but still gorgeous.

I sat in the one slightly smaller and to the right of Alexander. I looked over to him wanting to ask questions while we waited for whatever to start.

"Is this the entire kingdom?" I asked and felt incredibly stupid for asking.

"This would be the entire size of your old kingdom, this is not even a quarter of Proesius," he said looking towards the people.

I knew Proesius was known as the largest, strongest, and wealthiest kingdom to ever exist but this was crazy.

I don't remember seeing this part of the kingdom during the tour so I was in awe of what was in front of me.

There was Alexander and I above everyone on a small platform that looked like a stage. There was an area in the shape of a square in the middle of everything, guards were stationed about 3 feet a part from each other. People of all ages surrounded the square but with the millions around, it was too quiet. 5 metal posts stood side by side 10 feet away from each other.

Suddenly, guards came out surrounding different people. A guard on either side of each person. They were dragging them to the square, 2 fought the guards trying escape their grips but the guards didn't care nor notice as they were too strong.

Each person was brought to a post tied with rope. A man was at the first one he was in his mid 30s and was crying, a teen boy at the second who was trying to look tough but I could see how scared he was, at the third was an old woman who looked like she could barely walk, the fourth was a girl around my age who looked bored, and the fifth was the woman who gave me those vials.

A man stood up and called for everybody's attention.

"These 5 people are put on trial today for their crimes against the royal family and kingdom, first a man who tried to steal from a noble. Guilty," he spoke.

I looked around waiting for someone to say something, surely somebody would come to his defense. Nobody said anything.

"Second, a boy who has stolen from over 10 different people and killed an innocent man. Guilty,"

This had to be a joke. The boy was 13 maybe 14 years old. Defense of some kind must be spoken, he is just a child.

"Third, a woman who has attempted murder on an entire family. Guilty,"

This woman could barely walk let alone try to kill somebody. She looked so sad and sick, I couldn't believe this.

"Fourth, a girl who has killed 8, attempted murder of 2, and stolen from over 20. Guilty,"

She looked like she could care less. I choose to believe other wise, she could have issues not being told. She could have gone through something similar to what I had to go through.

"Fifth and finally, a woman who attempted poison and murder against their majesties. Guilty of treason,"

I know what she did and there is no excuse. I don't know the punishments in these kingdoms though.

"Punishment for the first is 40 whips and cutting off of 2 fingers. The second, is 60 whips and cutting off of a hand and ear. The third, is 50 whips and cutting off of both ears. The fourth, is 50 whips cutting off of both ears and hands. The fifth, is 100 whips and cutting off of both ears and hands with death," the man spoke.

I could barely comprehend what was happening. These punishments were cruel and evil with no true trial. I felt sick.

"Alexander please," I begged at a whisper.

"I warned you it would be unpleasant," Alexander whispered back to me still focused on what was going on in front of him.

5 men each holding a whip stood in front of those 5 people. The whips were long and made of metal, but worst of all they were hot. When the whipping began with each one in sync with the other they counted every single one.

I felt sick to my stomach, Alexander looked so focused. How could he watch this?

"Please, stop this or let me leave," I whispered trying not to cry for those in front of me.

"You will sit here and watch as they face their punishments," Alexander whispered in my ear.

When they were done I had to watch ears and hands get cut off. It was disgusting and horrible, I thought I was about to throw up.

The poor old woman died after her first East was cut off. She was so old her heart gave out, they left her body there.

When it was all over and Alexander and I left I didn't look at him. How could he make me watch that? How could he watch that?

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