Learning Curve

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(A/N: Hello readers. I am writing a quick chapter here. It shouldn't be super long. I'm just hoping to accomplish a few developments here, which will just promote character growth. But yeah.... My brain is focused on this chapter so excuse the blah note)


My hands shook against the steering wheel as the flash of multicoloured lights flooded my vision.

I kept my tears at bay and refused to focus on anything but Harry.

I swerved into a parking space and ran full speed through the emergency room doors. I looked around in a wave of confusion and desperation until the stretcher came into sight.

"Hey," I called, my voice sounding distant.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson, I'm his partner," I rushed over.

"Hello Mr. Tomlinson I'm a paramedic. My name is Paul."

I nodded.

"Can you tell me anything about the injury that Mr. Styles has sustained?"

"He was stabbed. It was quick. Charles, his attacker, withdrew the knife from his side and let it fall on the ground. It was collected there by the police. I applied pressure to his side until you guys arrived. He passed out just a couple minutes after he was stabbed," I answered, my mind racing.

"Thank you. You've been very helpful and supportive through this process," Paul put a hand on my shoulder and smiled warmly at me.

"We can't allow you to go any further back, but we're going to take great care of him, we promise. Do you have a number we can call? You can stay if you want, or you can go home and collect a few things. It's up to you. But we assure you that everything will be okay."

I ripped a piece of paper off of the desk and scribbled my number onto it.

"I will be back with his mum in fifteen minutes. I will be back," I gave him the piece of paper and nodded.

"Son," he called, and I stopped in my tracks.

"He's okay. You'll be okay."

I nodded sincerely and gave him a short wave before running back out outside.

My mind was swimming and the air seemed too heavy. I put my hands on either side of my head and took a deep breath.

I shook myself awake and ran to my car, jamming the key into ignition and pulling out of the spot quickly.

The radio was on quietly in the background but I couldn't focus on what was playing. Everything seemed to be a blur before my vision and a stream of incoherent sounds against my ears.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sifted through my contacts.

"Anne," I put the phone on speaker and threw it onto the dashboard.

"Louis dear? Are you alright? You sound pained."

"Anne, I'm coming over. I'm about a minute away. Get your things together. I'll explain when I'm there," I rushed, pulling onto the quiet street.

"Louis you're scaring me," she said, but I ended the call.

"Louis!" She yelled, running out of the house.

"Anne," I started, running up the steps and leaving the car running.

"Look Anne, I'm collecting some of Harry's things. He's been hurt. He's in the hospital, come, talk and walk with me," I said, taking her hand and guiding her in the house.

"What happened," she said quietly, her eyes gleaming with unshed tears.

"He got into a fight with a player from another team. It's my fault really," I said more to myself than to any one else.

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