Underneath Every Single Smile

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"Ahhhh," I felt myself sigh.

I picked my head up and looked around for a few seconds before my vision was clear.

I rubbed my eyes and felt around for my phone. I realized I was on the floor. I tapped the screen and the clock flashed 7:00.


"HAZZAAAAA!" I yelled, jumping to my feet.

"AH! I'M AWAKE!" He jumped and grabbed a lamp swinging it.

"Harry put the lamp down! We're going to be late for school!" I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of bed.

"What time is it?" He asked, dazed and stumbling behind me.

"7:00! We have thirty minutes to get ready and leave," I said quickly, pulling him into the bathroom and closing the door.

"Look, we have to shower together."

"Oooooh," he purred.

"Hey, hey! Stay focused Harry. This will cut down how much time we're using to get ready," I said, feeling heat rise to my face.

"I'm not worried about it love," he pecked my cheek.

I ran the water and we brushed our teeth while it warmed up.

"Minty fresh," Harry said.

I coughed jokingly.

"Maybe want to rinse with mouthwash," I winked.

"Rude," he huffed.

"The clock says 7:05. We can spend a max of 20 minutes in here, which gives us five minutes to get dressed, grab an apple, and get out," I said.

"Stop worrying, we'll be fine."

We both got out the shower with exactly five minutes to spare. We toweled off quickly and pulled on some clothes.

Harry ran in his room and grabbed our bags and while I got a head start on running down the stairs.

"Morning boys," Anne called.

"Morning!" I chirped, picking up an apple and tossing a banana to Harry.

Harry kissed her on the head. I gave her a light kiss on the cheek.

"Morning mum, overslept, gotta run," he rushed, pulling me out the door.

"Byyyyyye!" I called, slamming the door shut.

He tossed me my sneakers and had his in his hands. We didn't even bother to put them on.

We ran all the way to school, hands locked, and feet bare.

"Hey guys!" Liam called.

"Whoa where are ye' shoes lad?" Niall asked, pointing at me.

"Oh we were running late so we just bolted," I shrugged.

Harry sat on the steps and put his on. I threw mine in my bag.

"Guys, I gotta go. I left my Psych. book in my locker. Harry I'll see you in class!" I kissed him quickly. He pulled me down and deepened the kiss, nearly knocking me off my feet.

"I'll see you soon," he winked, and slapped my ass as I ran up the stairs.

"I'll get you Harry!" I called.

"Love you too!" He shouted.

I shook my head and giggled.

I slid on the landing, scrambling up the stairs to my locker.

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