Birthday Confessions Pt. 1

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--> (Author's note} This is going to end up being a two part chapter. This is mainly the cutsie part of it. I intend to make the next part of it pretty deep. So hold on tight.


I sat through the rest of my classes completely dazed. Harry and I sat on the bleachers and made out in the cold basically until one of the monitors caught us and ordered us inside.

Wonderful. Technically we were supposed to go to the Dean's office, but Harry took my hand and we darted down a hallway, giggling and just being free. I had become quite the rebel as of late. I didn't do anything too bad, like skipping classes, but I definitely talked more than I used to and certainly saw myself sitting next to the curly-headed boy in the office more often as well.

We kept talking about the rest of the day, making plans for what we were going to do at the party and such. We made a fun bet with the rest of the lads at lunch about Zayn and Perrie. I put in a good seven pounds saying that they were going to make out and I'm usually never wrong about these things.

I doodled on my english notebook and glanced up at the clock, seeing that there were only five minutes remaining. Everyone else had started to put their things away and the shuffling of papers could be heard across the room. My work had already been tucked neatly away in my folder, the rest was placed in the bin at the front of the room. People glared at me and scoffed when I went to turn them in, but I didn't really care. It's not my fault that they differ in academic values.

Seconds seemed to drag on, and I sighed, becoming a little antsy and frustrated. I looked in my messenger bag and took out my journal, leafing through the pages.

There were some poems in there, some songs, a lot of short stories, and a lot of personal entries too. Some pages had silly little drawings on them, while other pages had drops of blood and wrinkled spots from tears. The journal really was my heart and soul, and portrayed me more accurately than I even could in one sitting.

Just as I snapped the journal shut, the bell rang. I sprang to my feet and tossed the door open with vigor, happy to see my boyfriend leaning against the wall.

"Hello der~"

"Hey Haz. Waiting long?" I asked, linking my fingers with his and starting our walk down the hall.

"Not really. Our classrooms are only a few feet apart, and the teacher didn't notice me sneaking out the back anyways. Even if she had saw me, I don't think she'd really care. Doesn't seem like the type."

He flashed me one of his famous toothy grins, and continued walking with me.

It was only a few degrees warmer outside, even though the sun had been out forever, and I felt a chill run up my spine. Harry seemed to notice and pulled my hand and his own into his coat pocket.

Thankfully, the walk was short, but unfortunately we had to part ways.

"I'm sorry Haz," I apologize, "But I've got to get ready and get your things together you know." I winked at him.

"You look perfect the way you are, but fine," he huffed.

I gave him a quick kiss goodbye and trotted up the stairs.

"Grandmum I'm home," I yelled, kicking off my shoes and tossing them in the basket by the door.

"In the kitchen love," she called back.

"I've made you a cuppa," she smiled, offering me the warm beverage.

"You're the best," I said, giving her a peck on the cheek as I sat myself on the counter.

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