Tough Love

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"Hey Harry!" I called with a smile playing on my lips.

"Hey," he rushes, closing his locker quietly.

"What's up? I didn't see you in B block this morning. Everything alright?" I shifted my weight and reached out to brush a strand of hair from his eyes.

"Nah, I'm good. Was in guidance," he murmured, leaning back and hugging his books a little more tightly.

I withdrew my hand and pulled it into my chest. I bit my lip nervously.


"Mm?" He was still looking down.

"I'll catch you at home later," I trailed off.

"Yeah, yeah," he nodded, making no effort to have eye contact.

"I love-" I stopped. He was already rushing down the hall way.

"Fuck!" I yelled, slamming my fist hard against my locker.


I whipped around and saw Liam walking towards me.

"Uh, yeah, hi," I said awkwardly.

"What was that about? I mean, is he, you know, are you guys alright?"

"I kinda wish I knew to be honest," I sighed, sliding down the lockers and drawing my knees into my chest.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Nah it's alright. I'll figure it out. Go on, you've got a cute blonde waiting for you on the front steps. I think he likes you," I joked, laughing weakly.

"Yeah, alright. It'll be alright Lou. He gets that way sometimes," he offered a smile.

"Thanks Li."

"Of course," he said, placing a hand on my shoulder before darting down the hall.

I groaned loudly and slammed my head backwards against the lockers, feeling heat rush to the front of my head.

"I hate this," I hissed.


"Harry?" I called.

The house was completely dark and it was quiet.

"Haz?" I called again, a little more concerned.

A loud crash thundered through the house and I found myself jumping up two flights of stairs, entirely forgetting about anything else.

"Harry?" I yelled, knocking on his door. I flicked on all the lights in the hallway and tried to look around. The crash had to have come from his room.

"FUCK!" He roared and another loud noise came from his room.

I tried the door, but it was locked.

"Harry please!"

"Louis go home!" He yelled.

"No. I'm not leaving you. Not like this Harry!"

"Oh what? You think I'm going to hurt myself?" He spat bitterly.

"Harry you're not being yourself."

"Louis you don't know me! You don't know who I am or who I can be! I don't even know who I am!" He yelled, and something shattered against his wall.


"Louis go home!" He yelled again.

I felt tears sting my eyes.

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