Absorb Me Into Your World

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(A/N): This is going to be a somewhat heavy chapter. It's a bit emotionally driven and deals with a couple different issues in regards to Louis' personality, but it does have a light ending. Save your tissues for later. 


I sat with Louis until the final bell rang. I knew I would have to get all my work from my classes, but it didn't matter. Being with him was more important.

"Harry it means a lot that you sat with me," he said, getting up slowly. I rushed over to him and grabbed his arm.

"No, it's no problem," I smiled.

"You don't get it Harry," he laughed, "Imagine the amount of time that I've sat here alone, thinking about everything, picking apart every aspect of my life? Imagine all the times that I wished that things had gone differently but couldn't do anything to change the situation at all? It just kind of sucks. No one cared if I was in here, no one cared if I got carted off in an ambulance. The nurse was the only person who talked to me while I was in here, made me feel like I wasn't some pity case you know?"

"Yeah," I breathed, taking it in.

"I remember when I used to get sent to the nurse," I said quietly.

"I always got sick as a kid, and I was always sent to the nurse to sit by myself because the other kids thought that I was infected or something. The nurse would turn off the lights and make me sit still until I lulled myself to sleep. Sometimes I'd sing real quiet, but she'd come in and yell at me," I laughed. "Cranky woman she was," I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly.

"That's adorable in a way. I can imagine that actually," he closed his eyes and started to hum quietly.

"Run little one, and don't say a word. Run to mother now, be a swift as a bird. If you lose your way before you make it home, Just sing this song and you won't be alone. Run little one, because mother's calling you. Trot along the river way and show her that you are true. The moon has made a path in filtered silver light. Run little one, run straight through the night. Now she stands before you waiting at the door. Run little one like you've done every night before. Even though she's just a shadow now, keep running and you'll find her somehow," he sang quietly.

"Wow, Louis, that was really nice," I said, feeling my heart flutter in my chest.

"My grandmum would sing it to me at night to make me feel better," he said quietly. He shook his bangs out of his eyes and grinned at me.

"Come on," I said with a smile, "Let's go," I reached out for his hand.

"Yeah," he agreed, taking it and walking out the office with me.

We walked over to his classes one by one and started to gather everything that he missed. He was getting papers from the chemistry teacher so I decided to go to his locker while he was busy.

I looked out the doorway and started to look for his. I stopped dead in my tracks and knew I had found it.

"Ah Harry I got-." I heard a crash behind me. The flustered boy stood still for a moment.

I could feel my heart beat intensely in my chest, it was dangerous. This feeling was dangerous.

"Ha... Harry," he stammered, "You weren't supposed to see that." He came up from behind me and turned me around.

"Harry calm down. Look at me!" He pleaded, caressing my cheek.

"Who the fuck did that?" I pointed to his locker, feeling my chest heave.

In big black and red spray paint were multiple derogatory terms like, "Fag," "Queer", "Emo," and the worst one, "Go kill yourself," spread from top to bottom.

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