Share A Moment With Me

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I sat in my seat, nearly bored to death. I had finished my work ages ago and I just wanted to go to sleep. These 90 minute blocks were awful.

Louis sat at the front of the class, his head resting on his arms on the table as he had probably fallen asleep. His work was neatly stacked next to him, and he beanie was pulled down on his head.

I looked up to see if the teacher was watching before I took out my cell phone. I saw new notifications flashing on the screen, and noticed that I had missed a few messages from Louis.

That sly boy I smiled to myself.

[Louis :3]: Are you as bored as I am?

I quickly responded.

Yeeeees. Kill me now. ._.

I slipped my phone back in my pocket as Mr. Latterdale came over.

"Are we quite finished Mr. Styles?" He asked, annoyed.

"Obviously. Maybe if you hadn't given me work fit for a student in primary school, I wouldn't be so bored," I snapped. Everyone let out a long "ooooooooh" while Louis shook with silent laughter.

"Oh is this so? Would you like to demonstrate how easy it is by completing a few problems on the board for us?" He asked, thrusting the dry erase marker in my face.

"My pleasure," I said, snatching the marker from him.

I walked to the front of the room and erased the examples he had put on the board. I knew these equations by heart; I didn't need them.

"Soooo," I began, "You told us to find the exponential function that crosses these points," I said, scribbling out (0,9) and (1,4) onto the board. "And the structure for the problem is f(x)= a(b)x " I wrote that out on the board next.

"So, first you have to identify the values of the variables, and since y= 9 in the first set, and x=0, you can automatically plug in 9 for a," which I did. "Now, the x in the next set will be what we replace for our exponential value, and we set the problem to be equal to 4," I continued to write these things out. "Now, our problem says 4 = 9(b)1 and if you're not braindead, you know that b to the power of 1 is just 1b, and if you divide by 9 on each side, you have b is equal to 4/9, which is a fraction obviously. So, the function is f (x) = 9 (4/9)x blah blah blah," I wrote this out and circled it. "And, since our growth factor is a fraction, it becomes a decay factor. So, our graph will display exponential decay. Just as our growth rate with express the same. Would you like me to do that out too or are we all set here sir?" I said, chucking the marker towards him.

He was angry, I could see that very clearly.

"Where do you get off acting in such a manner to me Mr. Styles? I am your elder and your educator."

"I've noticed this. However, I don't fancy your teaching methods, seeing as though it takes over an hour to complete three of these problems for these students," I started, "And I guess you couldn't have made it all that far if you're standing here in front of me. Fair to say?" The class was roaring with laughter and comments, and Louis was fully roused, now laughing with the rest of the class.

"Mr. Styles, I do not care what opinions you have of me. You have no right to blatantly disrespect me like this."

"Does it look like I give a fuck sir?"

I'd pushed it.


"I will not tolerant such insolence and foolishness!"

"Aw come on pops, can't you take a joke?" Louis said, still laughing.

"Go with him Mr. Tomlinson!"

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