Through Their Eyes

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(A/N): Hey guys. I'm really sorry that I didn't update on Friday. I had homecoming that night, and I have never been to a homecoming before, so I decided to go this year. I didn't get back until well after 10 or 11, leaving me with no energy to write up a chapter. Pictures are on my insta if you're interested! (sass_master_of_dorchester) And now I'm extremely sick, but I'm doing my best to update so hopefully I'll finish this chapter and post it. (I still cant breath thank Jesus for Vicks) It's from Louis' POV again and it's meant to be a frustrating chapter. Aha, sorry my writing is torture :D


I nibbled gently on the green straw and tried to gather my thoughts. I couldn't help but stare directly at Harry and feel everything fall from my mind.

"It's like having writer's block," I laughed nervously.

He gave me that reassuring smile that told me that I had all the time in the world, but for some reason, I felt as though I didn't have any time at all.

I shook my head, picked at my nails, tossed my hair, and released a heavy sigh. The air seemed so dense and it was suffocating me. I pulled my beanie over my eyes for a second and jumped slightly when I felt Harry put his arm on my shoulder.

"You don't have to," he repeated.

"I know," I ripped the beanie from my head and tossed it carelessly onto the table, "But I need to."

I felt tortured.

"Charles... Fuck, Charles was my worst nightmare," I sighed and started to pull on the fabric of my hat.

"We were friends ever since we were toddlers, and we got insanely close. I told him everything, and he kind of just accepted me, regardless of what I told him. We hung out, played sports together, went to concerts, tried new teas, it was just easy to be around him, since no one at home would give me the time of day," I picked at the plastic cup and listened to the crisp clicking of the material against my nails.

"And when things started getting bad with my family, and after my folks passed, he was the only one I could turn to. My brothers and sisters were hell bent on avoiding me like the plague and every one else just seemed to pity me, which made it even worse. He stood up for me, he made feel more comfortable when I moved in with grandmum, and he would sneak out with me at night to grab a smoke," I laughed in a horrified way to myself, "I was addicted to his company."

Harry nodded and sat back a bit.

"So he asked me if I wanted to go steady with him, and I said yes because I felt like no one else understood me like he did. Nothing changed at first. We were more physical, obviously, but he was still easy to talk to and he was still sweet and charming. It felt really..." I paused, "Perfect," the word felt disgusting on my tongue.

"And when the months got colder, he did too. He had me wrapped up in this sick mind game, and the worst part was I didn't even notice," I grabbed loosely at hem of my shirt and pulled it under myself.

"It's crazy the little things you don't pick up on when you're in love with someone. He always thought that he was better than me, and I grew to accept that. He reminded me how he had more friends than me, how he was taller, more fit, and the captain of the footie team, but he did it in the most subtle ways. I never noticed how much he put me down because he always did something else nice to make me feel better, as if nothing had happened. It was subliminal," I rubbed my temples.

I closed my eyes and kept seeing his lips mocking me, curling in a wicked smile, laughing, telling lies, but deep down I knew there was substance behind them, behind the things he told me.

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