Making My Way Into Your Heart

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(A/N) So for old readers, you may have noticed that I changed this chapter a tiny bit. So this is no longer the first time they actually talk to each other. I did that so that I could have a chapter between this one and the last one to make up for the large time lapse and to get a little more character development between Harry and Louis. It just seemed appropriate. And, for new readers, this should be better for you guys and it should make way more sense for the upcoming chapters!


I woke up this morning and some how managed to convince myself that I was going to talk to Louis properly today. Not casually in class, or in a study hall, but to confirm things between us. Maybe it was somewhere in between the hot bed or the hot shower. I'm not entirely sure, but I made up my mind.

I mean, I've been tracking him for almost two months which isn't creepy at all aha...

I felt like my cousin, going through my closet and tossing out at least five PERFECTLY good outfits. Yet, they didn't seem good enough for him, or to even make a good impression. I made a huge mess until I finally pulled out something that said "awwwww yeaaaah." Red skinny jeans, white v-neck, and a black and grey hoodie. Now, to find that one pair of converse that actually had most of those colours...

Basically, after taking about an hour to get dressed, I grabbed an apple from the counter, picked my bag up off the floor, and started making my way over to the school.

I think I've been in that hell hole too long. It started out great, because it's all like, "yup, I'm the shit, I'm in high school," but now it's more like, "This is bullshit, why am I STILL in high school?"

I saw a couple of my friends sitting on the stairs talking to each other, but I walked past them. I had to take a major piss and I was really nervous about talking to Louis today, and the last thing I needed was for them to be all over my ass making kissy faces and erotic sound effects.

But, my luck never works out all that well, seeing as though when I walked into the bathroom, Louis was already there. It took everything that I had not to take him right there, let alone take a peek.

So I walk over to the next toilet, pretending that I don't see him, and begin to relieve myself. I tried to be so casual but I literally tripped and almost face planted. Smooth Styles. He laughed but tried not to in this really cute way and I felt my face burning.

And, not to mention, it was the most awkward thing in the world. All you hear is *tinkle tinkle* and an occasional whistle or two to try and ease the awkwardness. I wanted to die really.

"So.... hey there," I say, glancing over at him, "Louis?"

"Uh hey and yeah,aha that's me," he replies, giving me a toothy smile.

"I know this isn't the best place to strike up a conversation," I start, "but the silence was practically killing me. And as you might realize from my constant talking, I'm not really into silence."

"No, no, I totally get it. It's much better to hear the sound of you-" he stutters,"someone's voice rather than urine going down the drain." He laughs at this and continues to look at me.

I felt a little flutter in my heart when he said "you" because I know he was going to say your, and judging by the blush that formed quickly across his face, I didn't think I was wrong.

We both go over to wash our hands and, once again, I trip and bump into him prompting an "oops" and a "hi" as we laughed to ourselves. I grabbed a couple paper towels and handed him one. Our fingers brushed and I immediately laughed in the most retarded way. It was loud, weird sounding, and I snorted.

Kill me now.

"Say, where's your locker?" I ask him, trying to make this better.

"Um... It's on the second floor next to the chem lab. Not the most charming place because it often smells like chemicals and such. And sometimes people come out and throw up too."

We both laugh a bit, having memories of kids running from our class and then hearing the sound of vomit penetrating the air.

"So that's where they go to accept defeat. Sounds rancid. Well, I happen to know of an empty locker by the AP English room if that sounds more appealing to you?" I offer.

"Um, that sounds BRILLIANT! I hate having the smell of death sink into my clothes and books."

"Then it's settled. Come with me, I have to drop off some books anyways," I say with a smile. I grab his hand and lead him out the bathroom, taking him down a flight and to my locker.

"Hey, that's kind of sweet," he remarks, noticing that my locker is covered in doodles and phrases.

"Yeah, they kept painting over it to try and get me to stop, but three years later they pretty much gave up and let me keep it."

"That's sick. I'm not really an artist or anything, so this is pretty freaking cool," he says, looking more closely now at my locker.

"Hey, what does that one say? It's kind of small?" He squints at the print and adjusts his glasses.

"Ummm, that one's really old. It says, 'Midnight Memories'" I read aloud.

"Hm, sounds kinky," he smirks.

"It's always the quiet ones isn't it," I shoot him a look and nudge him in the shoulder. I quickly unlock my locker, and pull out a couple of books, exchanging them with a few that were in my bag. I also take out a lock and toss it over to Louis.

"Don't ask, I knew that someone would take this locker at some point," I quickly say before he has a chance to open his mouth. He nods and tosses it into his messenger bag.

"Alrighty then, shall we venture to the realm of pukitude to retrieve your books and belongings?" I joke.

"I'll get those later. I have everything I need right now anyways, but thanks for the offer. You're really nice. I like that." He smiles and looks at his feet. "A lot of kids aren't like that here. It's pretty unfortunate actually."

"You're right, it is unfortunate. But hey, it's high school, once it's over you'll own all their asses eh?"

"Yeah," he giggles, "Yeah you're right."

I hear the bell ring and sling my bag over my shoulder.

"Well, I've got to go, catch you later in English," he says.

Before he goes, I grab his wrist and pull him back into a hug.

"What was that for? I liked it, don't get me wrong-"

"Believe me when I say when high school ends, you'll own their asses okay? I'm not the smartest kid here, that would be you, but I'm never wrong about these things," I cut him off.

He nods at me a gives me the biggest smile I've ever seen. His glasses kind of tilted to one side and his cheeks were so cute and pinchable. In that moment I felt like my heart stopped working, just to start pounding at full speed again and sloppily process all my emotions.

"See ya Harry," he calls.

"See ya Lou," I say.

Indeed my beautiful silent boy.

(So... better? Worse? Making more sense? I think it does. But gahh, who cares. I'm just the foolish author pffft. Question of the chapter: Song you can't get out of you head? Anaconda is playing non stop. I've never heard the whole song, but my friend and I were making fun of it, and I just keep singing, "Err muh gaaawd! Lookeh her buuuttttt," *sips Starbucks casually* I'm sane I swear. Happy reading!)


Beautiful Silent Boy [L.S]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora