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(A/N) Okay, this has literally been a day from hell for me. I've discussed personal things with my parents and they were not supportive of me to say the least. And then all of this twitter drama blew up with Louis and Louis_Tomlinson and honestly, I'm just very tired of all of the drama in this fandom. We know Louis supports gay rights, we know that he loves who he loves, regardless of the gender, and we know that Louis would never be that insensitive. He could have denied all of the Larry rumors during the interview on Sunday or he could have denied being a supporter of gay rights but he did not. Let us keep that in mind as this progresses further. I am shocked that over 20,000 users on twitter unfollowed Louis, and I am appalled at the hate that he and Harry have been sent. Those of you who participated in this grotesque behaviour should be ashamed of yourselves. It's absolutely mad. We all need to be strong right now. Do not make the situation worse. With that said, this chapter will bear the same tone as the one I have right now: serious, stern, and emotionally driven. Prepare yourselves for a feel trip.


"He can't even save himself," I heard him laugh from above me.

There were so many whistles blaring and so much yelling and screaming. My head whirled with colours and I dug my face into the turf, trying to distract my senses from the stimulus around me.

I could hear Harry screaming, and I felt air escaping my lungs. Was I screaming? Was I crying?

I kept my eyes closed and felt hands trying to lift me.

"No stop," I cried, clinging to the turf.

I rolled over onto my side and clutched my abdomen. It seared with pain every time I moved and I couldn't breathe.

I could hear so much laughter. It sent shivers down my spine.

"Shut up," I groaned.

"Louis open your eyes," someone said.

I opened my eyes and looked around me. My vision blurred and I stood up quickly, trying to regain my composure, only to sway and fall forward to my knees.

"Louis let us help you," Liam said, trying to lift me again.

"No damn it," I cursed, putting my hands on my knees and forcing myself up again.

I never noticed how bright the lights were at night, or how loud the crowd could be. I never understood how overwhelming my surroundings were until this very moment.

"I'm going to puke," I gagged, covering my mouth.

"You're going to be okay buddy. We're going to help you-"

"NO!" I screamed, grabbing my side and hobbling off of the field.

I heard applause as I gave a thumbs up and walked into the tunnel.

"Come back to play soon love," I heard him call.

I instantly released the contents of my stomach and heard him laugh as he ran off again.

"Whoa mate," Niall jogged over and rubbed my back.

"I'm fine," I said dryly, wiping the corners of my mouth.

"No, no you're not."

"How would you know?" I slurred, holding back a second round.

"Because you can barely stand! Look at you Louis, you're coming apart as we-"

I cut him off my vomiting violently again.


I looked up and saw Harry running over to me.

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