Vanilla Caress

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(A/N) As promised, this is a boyxboy chapter. Even though it is, there is still significance to it, so do your best to pay attention to other elements besides the sex.


I felt my eyes slowly open for what seemed like the thousandth time that night and I groaned loudly.

"Harreeeeh," I moaned in my rough accent.


"Harry," I said more clearly, rubbing my eyes.

The brunette had pulled all of the covers to his side of the bed and was curled up on his side. His face was hidden behind a curtain of curls and he made no effort to awaken from his slumber.

"Fine," I mumbled, swinging my feet onto the floor and quietly padding out of the room.

The house was extremely dark and quiet. I flicked on the lights as I made my way through each room and turned up the thermostat when I got down stairs to the living room.

"I swear this is a dial leading to nowhere," I hissed under my breath, and shuffled into the kitchen. It was only 4:15 and I had no idea why I was up this early. Harry fell asleep some time around 1:00am, but he slept soundly through the night. I, on the other hand, had not slept at all. I didn't want to be asleep if Harry needed me, so the paranoia in itself kept me awake without fail. But, to my surprise, he didn't wake up once that night, and cuddled into my side peacefully.

"Breakfast, breakfast..." I mumbled to myself, looking around the pantry. I remembered that we had a tupperwear of fruit put away so I pulled that out of the fridge and went to fill the kettle with water.

I carelessly tossed the container onto the table and went back into the pantry to find our can of loose leaf tea. I went to this shop across town a couple months ago and dragged Harry with me, promising him that it wasn't going to be a waste of time. He swore up and down that "tea was tea" and that he didn't need to be there to pick it out.

Needless to say, after sniffing thirty canisters of tea, he fell in love with matte tea. It made sense too. He loved the way that the little flowers would open when it brewed and he would squeal, literally, every time we made it. He fell in love with how earthy it was and its naturally sweet taste. I always found it funny how Harry's persona could be identified as a can of honey bee matte tea.

I carefully spooned the contents of the can into the mesh filters and set them in our mugs. Harry picked out this mug at Target with two rabbits cuddled together on it and said that it was a representation of the two of us. I told him he was being ridiculous, seeing as though my mug said, "How about a cup of shut the f*ck up", but every time I saw him drink from it, I felt myself resonating more and more with the image. Harry was literally turning me into a ball of feels and I am not okay with that.

Well, maybe I am, but just a little.

The yogurt we bought the other night was in the fridge and of course, the granola was on the top shelf, so I scooted onto the counter and pulled it down, throwing it onto the table and hopping onto the floor.

"I'm putting away the groceries next time," I tisked, grabbing the box and two bowls from the cabinet.

The kettle started to whistle by the time I had finished scooping the yogurt into the bowls. I quickly put it in the fridge and turned the pilot off, causing the kettle simmer down while I added the fruit and the granola.


"NOOOOO!" I heard Harry groan loudly. The alarm was silenced and I heard a loud thud come from the top of the stairs. Knowing Harry, he probably got tangled in the covers and fell onto the floor.

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