Visits To The Past pt.3

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"Well I don't have a specific memory exactly," Gil began, "but you've always been someone I can talk to for reassurance and someone who wouldn't mock me for not being the smartest. I'm thankful for that, you are a really cool dude Carlos."

"Thanks Gil." he spoke with a small smile, looking at the goofy teen.

Everyone looked towards Mal, it was her turn now. Evie and Jay were a little worried because she was never one to be open with feelings or the greatest at speaking with affection. But to their surprise a warm expression fell over he face as she looked at Carlos with respect and happiness.

"Hi Carlos, I'm Mal, as you already know, daughter of Maleficent and, and the future queen of Auradon." she began fumbling with her words slightly. "I remember the first time I saw you on the Isle: you were just a scrawny kid looking for scraps in the pile. I could see you were afraid as you looked at the time and ran back to Hell Hall-"

She stopped as Carlos let out a hiss and clutched his temples with a small groan. Images flashed through his head that brought an unpleasant feeling up inside of him. The images were fuzzy, hazy, and he couldn't make out anything specific except harsh colours, looming walls, and a woman screaming? At him? He didn't know.

He couldn't remember.

He didn't realise he was rocking back and forth and Mal was staring at him with a flicker of horror on her face. She was ashamed that she set him off like that, she scolded herself for not being cautious enough.

"Carlos. Hey Carlos, y'alright?" Harry asked once his breathing had returned to normal. All he could do was nod his head whilst leaning back against one of the stone pillars.

"Yeah, you good?" Jay voiced.

"I'm sorry, I just had a few flashes, memories I think. Mal, continue, please." he mumbled, looking at her with wavering eyes.

"Oh. Well, I saw you several times after that. You looked the least bit intimidating but there was something else I couldn't place." 

'There was also something else I couldn't place until a few days ago...' she thought to herself. 

"Anyways, I kept an eye on you for several months and saw you kept getting new bruises... that's all I'll say for now on that matter. It was a miserable day and I'd just gotten shouted at by my mother for being not evil enough to carry on her work and I was sulking through the back streets. I guess some imbeciles thought it was a good time to attack me, they usually feared me so I was taken by surprise. I didn't even manage to find a way to fight back when they face-planted the floor and  were strung upside down by their ankles in the middle of the street. I couldn't help but burst out in laughter, and trust me, that's a rare sight. Then you appeared from the shadows with a grin on your face and I knew right then what that missing thing was. You were strong and intelligent but used your stature to trick people. I thought it was genius and gave you an offer of joining the gang." she finished with a proud face.

"I did something like that?" he questioned with surprise.

"Yeah, I guess we could call you the underdog."

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