Chapter 14 {Kimetsu Mall!}

Start from the beginning

Tanjiro: "..Yeah... we'll have that one..." He sighed and took out his wallet.

The man: "Oho! So, planning to try my own homemade styled sandwich huh?" He laughed. Nezuko nodded, already fanaticizing about eating it.

Tanjiro: "Homemade? You must've put a lot of time into it."

The man: "Hm? Yeah, I did, how would you know?"

Tanjiro: "Well.. You look like a hard worker and my mother owns a bakery and I make the bread. So, this isn't new to me or anything." He smiled.

The man: "...Oh... Well maybe I could stop by and see which of our sandwiches are better-" A voice yelled from the back of the store. "Gyutaro!!!" The voice sounded much more like a woman's after the second yell.

Nezuko: "hmm?" She slightly turned to see a pretty young woman with long silver to lime hair and lime green eyes with long eyelashes. She wore a black oversized crop top with a white long sleeve crop top underneath and had magenta high-waisted trousers with a studded belt sit at her hips. Basically looking like an e-girl.

Gyutaro: "Huh? What is it?"

The woman: "What's the wifi password to this place again? I keep getting kicked from the internet!"

Gyutaro: "I told you, it's on the side of the fridge.."

The woman: "Okay, did you forget that there's like. three fridges in back there?"

Gyutaro: "'s the only one that's been decorated..." He sighed.

The woman: "ugh. Whatever."

Nezuko: "...Do you work here too?"

The woman: "Who? Me? Haha, you really think I'd work in this dump? Don't make me laugh!" She still laughed. Gyutaro looked down, looking kind of.. sad...

Tanjiro: "Well, it doesn't look that bad. It looks like someone worked real hard to make it look good." He smiled.

The woman: "... hmph." She turned and walked away, walking back into the backroom of the store. After Tanjiro complimented them, Gyutaro looked back up, having a more hopeful look on his face.

Gyutaro: "You- ... Oh, yeah. I'll start getting the greatest sandwiches in the world ready for you two now!" He smirked. The good kind of smirk though.

Tanjiro: "mhm! I can't wait!"

Nezuko: "mmmmhmmmmm!" She was swaying from side to side.

~Somewhere else in the mall~

Aoi, Inosuke, and Kanao were sitting by a fountain in the mall, just relaxing and waiting until they saw at least one other of their friends that were in their friend group showed up.

Inosuke: "Ugh. How long are we going to have to wait? I didn't wake up early just to sit by a pond with water shooting out of it." He scoffed.

Aoi: "Well, first of all, it's called a fountain. And second of all, you were the reason we're late." She replied.

Insouke: "Huh? How is it my fault?"

Aoi: "Oh.. maybe the fact that you live in a forest outside of the city and never seem to wake up even after I called you to tell you that we were coming over and I even called a second time to remind you!"

Insouke: "So what?! I like sleeping! And it's not like I agreed to come here anyway!"

Aoi: "You-"

~Flashback to a day ago~

Inosuke: "Hel..Hello..?" He asked groggily, understandable since he just woke up.

Aoi: "H-Hey! Inosuke! Do um.. do you wanna come to.. the mall with.... m- US!! ALL OF OUR FRIENDS ARE GOING TO THE MALL TOMORROW!!"

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