Chapter 27: Beach

Start from the beginning

"Really you look like a child," Jackson said and Jimin hissed.

"Say it again?" Jackson smirked.

"You look like a child." Jimin cocked his head and then started running after Jackson, pushing past Yoongi and Lisa and going around in circles around everyone until Jimin got onto Jacksons back.

"Now you have to carry me and you have to be quick the rest of the way." Jimin smiles and Jackson groans and stayed quiet like a good boy.

"I think this is the first time Jackson has gone without saying anything," Yugyeom announces after a while into their trip.

"Yes it is amazing and we are here." Yoongi smiles and points to the beach up ahead.

"Okay, Jackson you can ta-".

"Mother fucking finally my flipped god. Do you know how hard that actually was? It was hard but damn Jimin you smell good like wow." Jackson hugged Jimin to tell his cologne one more time and then went to Mark.

"Um well thank you?" Jimin chuckled and walked up beside Yoongi.

"Jimin did you steal my cologne?" The Prince asked and the younger started playing with his fingers.

"Yeah, it smells so good and like you so why the hell not!" Jimin giggles and Yoongi shook his head with a huge grin on his face.

"You could have just asked silly."

"Okay I will next time, now let's just swim." Jimin grabbed both of the elder's hands and walked backwards into the water after they put their stuff down.

"How far can you swim out?"

"I don't think we should go out that far."

"Good cause I am part cat and I am not always the best swimmer either." Yoongi smiles and shoved Jimin into the water.

"YOONGI." He screamed, quickly standing up.

"I'm leaving." Yoongi turned and bolted out and went behind Namjoon.

"Min. Yoongi. Move away from the siren." Since Jimins hair is wet it won't light up but it did glow a bit.

"You would be fun in hide and seek." Jimin groaned and threw his head back.

"Fine keep hiding behind Namjoon who is more than happy to piss me off by hiding you. I am going to go talk to your mom." Jimin huffed and walked away to Lisa who was swimming around with Jin.

"Hello, Queenie." The redhead smiled standing next to her as Jin swam around them.

"Jimin you can just call me Lisa and hello." She smiled who slid her hand against Jin's tail once more.

Jimin nodded. "Yoongi told me that Chris is planning to hurt me. Do you know anything about that?"

Lisa shook her head and averted her attention to her son's boyfriend. "I don't really have an idea on what Chris is planning, I am sorry sweetheart. I really want you and Yoongi together, but for some reason, he does not."

"I am also sorry for how I acted to you on my ship, but I am not sorry for kidnapping Yoongi or anything." Lisa nodded.

"You don't have to apologize you were angry and you kidnapping Yoongi was probably the best thing that happened to him. He fell in love and that was my only prayer for my child." Jimin looked down smiled to see Jin sticking his middle finger up at him.

Jimin moved his foot and slightly kicked Jin's tail making the siren pop his head up from the water.

"That was cold." He mumbled.

"I know and looks like Namjoon needs some help." Jimin laughed and pointed to Namjoon who was surrounded by Jungkook, Taehyung, Yugyeom, and Yoongi.

"I think he is fine. If he needs me he will rap." Jin jokes and then swam off.

"I like him, he is fun." Lisa smiled, turning back to her possible future son-in-law.

"Yeah Jin is and you are sure you don't know anything about this plan." The Queen sighs and walked a little to the shore so she could sit.

"I don't know but I think I may have an idea. I think Chris is planning on experimenting on you, maybe see how your temper is, but I do think he is trying to weaponize you to destroy the Dark Lands." The younger gasps, putting his hand up to cover his mouth.

"B-But I thought he wanted to help with the Dark Lands."

"I could be wrong but don't you think he would want you on your good side so it could throw us all off? But apparently, Soobin and Joy both know so they are planning something." Jimin put his head against her shoulder.

"Well, that sucks. Lisa I know I am not the best person at times but why does he hate me so much?"

"I have no idea but I promise I will try and figure this out. You make Yoongi happy and I don't want that to ever go away. Don't tell Yoongi I told you this but he was depressed as a teen and a little gothic or emo for a while. It is hilarious now but I promised myself that I would do anything for Yoongi to become himself again and you Jimin, have done that darling." She smiles and puts a hand through the younger's wet hair.

"I try my best and thank you so much for telling me about the emo thing, please tell me you have photos!" Jimin laughs.

"I have many, I can send them to your guy's room."

Jimin nods. "Please, I can have so much fun with the photos."

"Which photos? Mom, what are you doing?" Yoongi asks sitting next to his boyfriend.

"Nothing but I will leave you two alone." She smiles, Jimin moves his head and waves as Lisa walks away.

"Are you not going to tell me?" Jimin shook his head, giving Yoongi a playful look. "Fine. How has the day been so far?"

"Good, your mom told me some interesting things but I will keep them to myself. I saw you playing with the youngers and Namjoon. That must have been tiring." Jimin said and sat in between Yoongi's legs, placing his head against the Prince's chest after Yoongi puts his arms around Jimins neck hanging them from there.

"It's nice to have one day out and not have to worry about anything."

"I still have to go to my ship." Yoongi pouted.

"Fine, just be careful. I love you." Yoongi kissed Jimin on the side of his neck.

"I love you too." Jimin sat up and went to go tell his crew, who were tanning, the news, and then left them once he put on his long coat.

As Jimin left Yoongi pouted and returned to the dry part on the shore and sat next to Youngjae.

"I don't want to alarm you or anything but Jimin's birthday is going to be here next month on the 13th, I just wanted to tell you that so you can get an idea for a gift," Youngjae said. Yoongi laid back, putting a hand on his stomach.

"Thanks but now I got to figure a good present out if my dad doesn't kill him." Youngjae chuckles.

"It's hard to find a good present for Jimin. Even harder to kill the man." The younger says looking at the sky.

"That's reassuring," Yoongi mumbled and stared at the sky until he was picked up and thrown into the water by Taehyung, then it was a water fight with everyone (including the Queen) before Jimin returns with some news.

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