In the last two years, Killian, an accomplished general and warrior who led hundreds of thousands, found out that his bride-to-be loved food. So, this famed general and name that was feared throughout the land, sheathed his sword, and became a famed chef.

No one would know just how good he was, because he only cooked for one woman. And it was his greatest weapon.

"Cybelline." He had said that day, setting down a dish of wild morels and roasted hare. Cybelline was especially hungry, as she had just ousted an invasive species from a world, much like the shadow dragons. She had looked forward to the meals everyday, as much as his kisses.

Cybelline happily tucked into the food, there were four dishes she'd never tried.

"Would you like to try this fish in butter sauce?" He held up a delightfully flavored dish of her favorite fish in a garlic and spicy butter sauce. Cybelline's eyes lit up.


"Would you like more wine?" He asked and poured her favorite sweet wine.

"yes!" She said enthusiastically.

"Would you like some fresh bread?"

"Yes!" The bread Killian made was rich and buttery and tasted like sunlight.

"Would you like to get married?"

"Yes!" Cybelline replied without thinking as she took a big bite of bread.

"Huh?" She turned around and looked adorably confused in Killian's eyes

Killian was on one knee, holding up a large red ruby and onyx ring. He was smiling and a little nervous, "You've slayed the dragons, and rescued the prince. I think it's time you make an honest man out of me. The more time I spend the more I love you. From the beginning all those years ago when you took me from that tower to this day where I fight along side you, all I can think is that this woman is mine to love. Cybelline, you are the love of my life. You have taught me what it means to love and to care for someone else. And you have taught me to smile. My life's purpose is to love you, to learn from you, to listen to you, and to walk with you always. "

Cybelline felt the world grow silent as she focused on the man who smiled at her and only her.  She knew that there would be no one else. She looked at him and placed her hand in his, "Thank you, for loving me when I thought I was not capable of being loved. Thank you for facing the world with me and showing me that you would be willing to stand beside me when I need you the most. And yes, I will marry you."

They kissed in the sunset, as family and friends who had been hiding near by ran out crying cheers of joy. The Dark Queen was to marry her consort.


"Dark Lady!" A voice called out, a young girl ran forward, her wings shining gold in the light, "Your dress is ready. Also, someone is here to see you! A visitor from outside the realm!" That voice brought her back to reality. The others looked at each other with a frown, an emissary?

Cybelline nodded, "Okay, I'll try it on soon." Rhia nodded at the girl, "bring the messenger."

The Shadow Dragon messenger tried to look unimpressed as he walked the glass path towards the beautiful island where the tree of life and the brownstone house stood. He tried to keep his jaw from falling off as he looked at the rich lands and even richer worlds that now grew out of the Dominion. He tried to keep the greedy glint from his eyes as he imagined all of this for the taking.

Cybelline was sitting at the table, everyone else was standing beside her, only Killian sat beside her, pouring her some wine.

The Shadow Dragon messenger's lips curled in a mocking smile, "I heard the Dark Queen had a consort. I didn't know he was of Shadow Dragon origins. A shadow dragon should be king, not pour wine for a woman."

Cybelline nudged Killian, "I think he's thinks you're weak."

Killian only smiled at her crookedly, "I'm taking a page from your book."

Cybelline nodded, "You've been corrupted."

"Willingly." He said as he placed some candied fruit on her plate, "As long as you do the corrupting." 

Cybelline blushed. Evans who had chosen to follow his lord to the Dominion realms beamed with pride. Jacen didn't follow the conversation. He was too busy glaring back at the Shadow Dragon Messenger.

The Shadow Dragon glared at the two who seemed to be in their own world.

"We are declaring war." The Shadow Dragon said with a huff, "We will take these lands and enslave your world. You are nothing and you will be nothing." He threw a scroll onto the table, "These will be our demands once we've won. You will follow these demands every year to the letter."

"Wait." Cybelline held up a hand, she looked at Killian, "How did you make these so delicious?" Her eyes were lit up like a Christmas tree as she tried the candied cherry, "Not to sweet and not too sour."

Killian only smiled and placed more on her plate, "I'll be back by sundown."

Cybelline nodded, "I think they can be our official example to the other Dominions that we have arrived."

Killian smiled.

He turned to the messenger, "In that case, we too declare war on your Dominion. Only." His eyes glowed purple and the messenger was forced to his knees by the hint of power, "I'm not going waste times with messenger. If there's a fight, then I'd rather just get on with it."

The messenger felt ill, as if all his bones were being shattered and turned into powder, he looked at Killian with disbelief, "What? How? this is not the power of a Shadow Dragon."

"Well, you try absorbing the powers of an entire legion of Shadow Dragons." Cybelline answered, "Thank you, by the way, of the generous donation of power. It's better than building our own army. Not that our army was weak in any way. We'll count it as an early wedding present."

The Shadow Dragon messenger fainted from the power as Killian scoffed. He looked at Jacen and Evans, who were already strapping on their armor. Cybelline had turned them into Sentinels as well and now they flew into the air, waiting for the lord.

Killian gave Cybelline a quick kiss and ordered sternly, "Don't eat the leftovers, wait for me to come home and cook for you."

Cybelline smiled lazily, "Okay."

The three of them disappeared into the night sky. Rhia looked at the disappearing figures worriedly, "Are you sure they're going to be okay? What if the Dragon God is too powerful."

Cybelline turned to Rhia, "Don't worry. Killian won't kill him, he mentioned to me that we needed guard dogs. I think winged-ones will be best, don't you?"

"That's not what I'm talking about!" Rhia called to Cybelline who was already walking away to her duck pond with a bag of feed.

"Why is she so happy about having a duck pond?" The first Sentinel, the one Cybelline had met, waddled up to them. He shook his feathers out, he still had the duck shape that Cybelline requested.

"Should we tell him?" Ithos asked Myrai, his eyes twinkling in mirth.

The duck paused, "Tell me what."

Myrai looked at him with pity, "The reason why Cybelline has always wanted a duck not just because she finds ducks cute...but because her favorite food is roasted duck."

The silence was deafening as the duck looked at them with surprise and horror, "So...she's been waiting to eat me?"

"You're probably safe." Ithos answered, he looked the duck over, "You're a bit too skinny."

POOF The duck sentinel suddenly changed from duck into a young man. He glared at them and then walked away. The laughter followed him all the way to his house

Dark Queen: The Cybelline PropheciesWhere stories live. Discover now