Chapter 31: What Happens In A Riot...

Start from the beginning

She questioned her actions for the first time, questioned the actions of others and their reasonings behind them, tried to see the light at the end of the tunnel—and almost did—but grew frustrated when it kept growing more distant and out of reach. Something was always in the way; Lauren wasn't sure for a while if it was herself or someone else. But before she answered that question just to feel content and in control, she wanted to be sure she wasn't pinning the blame on anyone but herself because she couldn't face being the reason behind most of her problems or why there's so much delay with her growth and happiness.

She was sure of her answer now.

"What's been going on out there?" Lauren asked CO Ealy, walking beside him on their way upstairs, moving past the locked gates. "Does anyone in EC still not know that I know what they were trying to do or do they know about the riot Sugar and I were planning?"

"Nope. Everything to them is going accordingly. Your name hasn't been mentioned except for when the girls talk about how well Karla played you and how good it must feel to be all alone in that cell with your things," he informed, voice monotone.

Lauren nearly stopped in her tracks, taken aback by his answer. How come Candy didn't say anything? Could her inner voice actually be right about her all along? "For real?"


"So I'm going back completely unsuspected?" she couldn't help but grin.

"That's right," he unlocked then locked the last gate when they were through, the door to her cell block just down the corridor. Ealy stopped Lauren and gave her a stern look. "You have thirty minutes before the other side gets control over the riot—assuming everything goes according to Sugar's plan. We're locking in the other inmates in other cell blocks to prevent more casualties than there needs to be. I'm going to cut the power, Medina should have already disabled all the cameras. The only officers in that cell block are Signorelli, Castro, and Ruiz and they're gonna be heading somewhere safe and sound, minding their own business and holding off other COs. You don't have to worry about Sugar, she'll be safe for the entirety of the riot. Any questions?"

"No questions. Give my people the green light."


["Imagine the joy that fills my heart to know you are surrounded by people you can't even trust. It's bad enough you can't trust yourself to make smart decisions, little brother. But to not bw able to trust your own guys to make smart decisions either? Unlucky. I will do you a favour though. I will give you the greatest opportunity to make the best decision you'll ever make this year."

"What are you talking about??"

"Let's just say somebody you don't treat very nicely told me about your plan to have one of the inmates kill me for starters and to start a riot in my father's prison—the place I run shit in—next month. And just who do you think you are? Haven't you learned by now that you will NEVER have power over me?" Sugar chuckled. "I was planning on having my own riot anyway—whether it takes place in November as originally planned or in October isn't your business. So, Luca, I'm willing to give you a very important piece of information you're not gonna wanna refuse...but only IF you tell me what the hell you've been doing with MY father in Italy."

His long defeaning silence indicated he was furious about there being a rat in his circle, though Luca kept his composure and appreciated that Sugar didn't know the whole story.

"Wow. It means that much to you, huh? Well then. If you must know, I was in Italy because I'm working on my relationship with our father. I figure why not try and get close to him, you know? Learn the family business and be just like him. Retire the man I've been before knowing him. He had a change of heart about me, you know? The families all over southern Italy were very pleased to know that Salvatore has a son who has experience in the business and values God, money, and family. Salvatore NEEDS a son. They're looking for someone to keep Sal's legacy going—to have his offspring made. It's not you, I'll tell you that much. It'll never be you. You're a woman who is also too loud, entitled, mentally unstable, and unfit to be in his position one day."

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