In one of the chairs sat a man whom you all assumed was Mr. Park.

As you studied his face more clearly, you came to the conclusion that you knew this man. His attire concluded your hypothesis. He was the man you saw enter the hotel earlier, only now, he didn't have his suitcase. Instead, another waiter stood in one of the corners of the room, standing still as if he were incapable of movement.

"Ah, you've arrived," the man says in Korean, standing up to greet all of you. He was young for his position, looking about in his mid-thirties. As a welcoming smile graced upon his face, you all took a slight bow in sign of respect.

"No need for that, you can be informal with me," he reassures you. "Take a seat."

You all did as he said, Chris and Minho instinctively taking the seats closest to him as they were the eldest ones who needed to take the sacrifice for the younger ones.

You sat down on the velvet black chair, taking the table napkin and placing it on your lap fore you were wearing a skirt. To your left was Seungmin and Felix sat to your right, them reflecting your actions as it was common table manners.

"So how have you guys been doing these past two weeks?" Mr. Park starts the conversation in which Chris replies for you all. "Great, actually. The service we got so far was amazing."

As you got to know each other a little more, the mood started contrasting the aura the room emitted. Everyone was beginning to laugh at the light jokes Mr. Park made and soon the tension in the air was lifted.

It was fifteen minutes into your conversation when Mr. Park had insisted that you guys were hungry, and not even a minute later, waiters and waitresses holding trays of different kinds of food came marching in, placing down the big plates at the center of the table one-by-one. It was like they had practiced their entrance, standing outside, waiting for the cue from Mr. Park to come in.

But your eyes sparkled as you saw your favourite dish be placed right in front of you. You stared at it, eating it with your eyes before you heard a soft chuckle to your left escape from Seungmin's lips.

Instantly, you shook it off your thoughts, not wanting to go noticed by anyone.

You all thanked them before they left. As the captivating smell of the plenty dishes of food emanated through the room, you were pretty sure that you were all starting to feel famished and craved the food in front of you. Luckily, Mr. Park had decided to make the suggestion to start eating.

You all agreed that Mr. Park take the first serving, leaving him with no choice but to do so since you were all persistent about it. After he had taken his portion, Chris and Minho followed after, the green light for all of you to start digging in.

The food, unfortunately, was out of your reach and you'd have to stand up to get a hold of the serving spoon. However, you saw everyone was already standing to reach the food, so you waited patiently for everyone to finish before you grabbed your own.

But that didn't go as plan when a good amount of food had been placed on your plate. You looked up to see Seungmin, holding onto the serving spoons of the one dish you've kept your eyes on since it came.

In your eyes, he looked chivalrous doing so, and you couldn't keep your eyes off of him until he was finished. He had also poured you a bowl of soup before he went on to serve his own plate.

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