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I remember the day he told me I was messed up, I didn't belong. He told me I was ill, I was a screw up. He told me I was horrible for needing the pills, for wanting to feel. I remember the doctor, telling me I'm okay. Ha, if only I was. I know this pain doesn't just disappear, and pills can only make it worse. Too bad I'm already gone. My name is Eden, and this is my story.

"Hey! Get up, the first day of school is today!" My mom shouts, shaking me.

"I'm sleeping, go awaaayyy." I moan.

"I know, that's why I said get up." my mom replies.

"Fine, I'm up. Okay? I'm up." I sit up.

"Good now get dressed." My mom smiles leaving my room. I grumble and swing my legs over the side of the bed. Freaking school, why'd it have to start again. I shuffle to my closet, do I care what I wear? No, not really. I grab the closest pair of pants and a baggy Tee. Putting them on, I just throw my hair into a ponytail, it's not worth brushing if it's just gonna get knotted again. Forget makeup, so not in the mood to make myself look good. I put my black glasses on and make my way down to the kitchen.

"Can't you try to look nice?" My mom sounds disappointed.

"I do look nice, I'm beautiful in every way." I reply.

"Well yeah, but you look like you just got out of bed." Mom shakes her head, putting out a bowl of cereal.

"Thanks, and I did just get out of bed." I smile pouring the milk into the bowl and taking a small spoonful.

"Annabelle is the lucky one, she doesn't have school you know."

"I know mom I was at her graduation." I chuckle, looking up at the clock.

"Guess I gotta go, love you." I stand up, grabbing the backpack by the door and slipping shoes on.

"Love you sweetie." Mom says from the kitchen. I smile the little smile, then walk out the door. I let my mask fall and just think of all the things that could happen at school today. My hands start shaking and my heart starts racing.

"Hey! Eden! You ready to do this?" I glance up at the sound of my friend's voice, the mask quickly sliding back into place.

"Of course I am, I'm always ready for school." I reply sarcastically, going down the steps. Walking next to her.

"Well you know, it's required no matter how dumb." She says, rolling her eyes. The smile doesn't reach my eyes, I hide my hands in my pockets.

"You know I can't believe you finally moved here."

"Me either, but you know. Once daddy doesn't need you, you kinda get the boot." I chuckle.

"I can't believe that, you are like the perfect daughter." She jokes, but I know she means it as an apology.

"Nah, I'm glad to be here." I smile.

Let's skip to after school, because we all know how that goes.

"You know it's going to be okay." Mom says as we walk into the waiting room. Doctors are not my strong suit. After all that time, father told me mental illness means you are a screw up. I know I have anxiety and depression, I know. Who would want to accept that after being told, it means you shouldn't exist...

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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