Higher Up

4 1 0

"I see you."

"Oh really? No, way?" I reply sarcastically.

"Don't mock me girl." He snarls.

"You don't scare me." I sing song.

"I should scare you child."

"Yet, here we are you insolent fool." I growl.


"Don't talk to your new master like that child." My cheek throbs from where he smacked me.

"You are no master of mine. Do you know not of who I am?"

"You are nothing, but a slave girl." He growls.

"That's where you're wrong." I smile wickedly.

"W- what are you going on about?" Good, I love it when they're scared.

"I can be anything I want Suga." I smile, wiping the blood from my face to my shoulder.

"You're trying to scare me. Well guess what? It's not working." He tries to convince me.

"It's not?" I ask, tilting my head to the side curiously.

"No, it's not." He growls, determination set in his eyes.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." I say as the familiar tingles crawl against my skin.

"W- what?" He stutters.

I burst out of my chains, grabbing him by his throat.

"She warned you boy!" Now you'll never disrespect your higher ups again." My voice is full of power. I sense his other men forming a circle around me. I snap his neck.

"Now who's next?" I growl before all goes black.

Story IdeasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora